Benefits of Black Pepper
71. Heart Disease
Black pepper may also help regulate blood cholesterol and suppressing bad cholesterol which eventually ends up clogging arteries surrounding the heart, thereby causing cardiovascular problems. Sprinkle a dash of ground black pepper to your fresh salad for a healthy wellfunctioning heart.
72. Cooling the Body
You can beat the summer heat by adding hot spices including black pepper to your diet. Since black pepper is a hot spice, it helps cool the body by increasing blood circulation and also by inducing sweating which releases the excessive heat from our bodies. Black pepper also helps to rapidly raise your body temperature then lower it at intervals and this eventually cools down your internal body temperature.
73. Native Region
India and Indonesia are the major producers of black pepper in the world. It is also grown in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China and Brazil.Tropical regions are considered favorable for its growth. Pepper or Kali Mirch belongs to the Piperaceae family. Chili pepper, jalapeno pepper, bell pepper, cayenne pepper, etc. fall under the genus Capsicum.
74. Healing Properties
Pepper (Kali Mirch) has carminative, analgesic, antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiseptic, laxative and diuretic properties. Its antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals in the body and enhance the action of other antioxtants such as catalase, glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.
75. Precautions
Those who are about to have an abdominal surgery are suggested to avoid pepper or Kali Mirch for a few weeks because it tends to cause irritation in the intestines. Besides, excessive use of this spice can stimulate the kidneys.
76. Enhancing Nutrient Absorption
Piperine also may be more effective at increasing absorption of nutrients. This is because, unlike drugs, the body recognizes nutrients and wants to use them, not eliminate them. In five different human studies, 5 mg of standardized piperine (Bioperine) was administered simultaneously with standard doses of the nutrients betacarotene, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and coenzyme Q10. A control group received the nutritional supplements, but no piperine.
77. How Effective is Peppering Food
If youre a heavy pepper user, you may come close to reaching the 5mg level of piperine found beneficial in the scientific studies. While researchers believe that piperine is most effective when combined with nutritional supplements in a concentrated dose, the evidence suggests that regular pepper applications may help promote healthy nutrient absorption. So peppers popularity may be more than pungency.
78. The Exceptional Alkaloid
Piperine is not harmful in high daily doses. These characteristics make piperine particularly suitable for its medicinal role: making drugs and nutrients more bioavailable by increasing absorption in the gut and slowing the rate at which drugs in particular are neutralized and eliminated.
79. Fiber
Kali mirch serves as a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber makes what you eat more filling by absorbing water in your digestive tract to physically fill your stomach. As a result, fiberrich foods tend to help stave off hunger between meals. Dietary fiber also helps prevent digestive disorders, such as constipation, and helps lower your risk of heart disease. Using 2 tablespoons of kali mirch in your cooking boosts your fiber intake by 3.5 grams, and provides 9 percent of the daily fiber intake requirements for men and 14 percent for women, as set by the Institute of Medicine.
80. Common Names
Black Pepper, Common Pepper, Gol Mirch, Maricha, Kara biber (Turkish), Poivre (French), Pfeffer (German). Black pepper isnt like salt that can make food less healthy if too much is added. Black pepper is a spice that has the potential to make food more beneficial when used in various recipes and as a table spice.
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