essential tips for job success

Essential Tips For Job Success

Essential Tips for students Job Search Success.
21. Post Prudently
If you have a personal blog, tread carefully. First rule Never write about work. You also shouldnt use work time to blog. Consider passwordprotecting your blog so that only your selected audience can see it.
22. Play Nice
When you get frustrated with your boss or coworkers, look inward. Changing your own behavior can stop a boss from micromanaging, and showing more appreciation can soften a difficult coworker. Share credit when a project goes well, but dont avoid the blame when a project ends poorly.
23. Climb the Ladder
Before you ask for a raise, ask for more workeven the work no one else wants to do. It shows your employer that you can handle greater responsibility. Then, overperform.
24. Update your resume
Important things to think about are clean formatting and highlighting tangible results. Dont use comic sans font, include your date of birth, photos or interests, and stay tuned for more resume tips in my next article.
25. Explore your new environment
Youre entering a brand new world filled with dorms, lecture halls, student centers and a range of research and support resources. One of the first things you should do is find your comfort zones. You know, those places where you can eat, study, meet friends, exercise and have moments of general solitude. Its time to explore Look for places where you can unwind. Learn where to go in a health emergency. Find the bike or running path th at suits you best. Bottom line, this is your new home.
26. Have the roommate talk
Some people would rather have an emergency appendectomy than discuss hard issues. Lucky for you, the roommate talk isnt a confrontation its a convers ation. Whats more, its a great way to get to know your new roommate and learn what makes hi m or her tick. Discuss your preferences regarding sleeping, studying, visitors, eating and cleaning. How do you handle clutter? Will you share a re frigerator? What will you do if conflicts arise? Make rules (and take them seriously).
27. Balance your load
Life is all about balance pa rticularly in college. You may think you have the perfect course schedule until the day when suddenly, out of nowhere, youre bombarded by multiple projects, papers and exams. Fortunately, some of the surprise can be avoided early on. Choose your course load wisely by seeking help from your faculty advisor, a professor, a dean or th e advising office. The n, after the first week of classes, reevaluate your load. Did you make good choices? If not, use the dropadd period to rebalance.
28. Discover your best practices for learning
Everyone is different, right? So it only makes sense that everyone learns differentl y. The demands of college will be great, so to meet those demands, you will be required to work efficiently. To understand how you learn, take a learning style inventory (there are many free ones on the web), learn your strengths and use them. Wh ere problems emerge, you can turn to resources like the campus writing center, pe er tutors, faculty review sessions and informal study groups.
29. Find and prepare your study space
Some people do their best work in coffee shops. Some demand 100% peace and quiet and find libraries and out of the way nooks in buildings on campus. Some need the comfort of their rooms. Wherever you choose to study, its important you find a space thats right for you.
30. Find your niche
It is not a secret that this is your time Sure, you have goals and you take your responsib ilities seriously, but the undergraduate year s are perfect times for you to explore different opportunities a nd try new things. Ne ver tried crew but always thought it looked like fu n Want to act in a play Why not direct one How about ballroom dancing? And then there s fencing, music, dance, writing for the school paper or literary magazine, tu toring, becoming a peer counselor or participating in some of the countless ot her activities that are at your disposal.