essential tips for job success

Essential Tips For Job Success

Essential Tips for students Job Search Success.
31. Talk to your professors
Youre not in high school anymore. Teachers have office hours for a reason. Truth is, your college facu lty, lecturers and TAs are all there to help you. Take advantage of office hours and get to know your professors. By meeting you in their offices, professors will get to know you and recognize your motivation. This type of connection can lead to good rapport, better understanding of the material and other opportunities.
32. Build friendships
At the risk of sounding like a mushy greeting card, college friendships can last a lifetime. After all, friendships are built from sharing experiences, helping one another thro ugh tough times and by making memories together. Since college is your new hom e away from home, the people you meet will become your family away from family. Dont be discouraged if you do not find those lifelong friends immediately; they are there. In time, you will meet those individuals whose friendships you will cherish.
33. Maintain healthy habits
Right now youre thinking healthy?? Whatever. Pass the pizza College is stressful at times so, whil e it is important to have fun, it is also important to be kind to your body, which m eans regular diet, exercise and sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to inefficient work, fatigue and, over long periods, can translate into unstable moods. And because memories are consolidated during sleep, allnighters are not effective ways to pr epare for exams. A balanced sleeping schedule, along with steady diet and exercise, will help your brain focus and give you energy.
34. Smile
Youve done all your homework. You know about that company and you know what you can bring to the position. Now its time to take a deep breath and relax. Go in there with a smile, exuding an aura of selfconfidence and selfassurance (even if you dont really feel that way). Smiles are contagious. The person sitting in front of you will smile back. Youre already setting the tone for a pleasant conversation.
35. A Job Interview Success
Congratulations All that networking, cover letter writing, resume proofing, and volunteering have finally paid off and youve got yourself an interview. Now you need to be prepared to make the most of this opportunity you worked so hard to create and thats probably not going to happen by walking in there stiff and uneasy with a bunch of possible answers memorized or written out long hand on your hand. But dont worry, weve got some helpful tips