benefits of onions

Benefits of Onions

21. Help in removing moles
For few types of moles, onion juice works efficiently by removing them. Several servings of onion each week are sufficient to statistically lower your risk of some types of cancer. For colorectal, laryngeal, and ovarian cancer, between 1 7 servings of onion has been shown to provide risk reduction. But for decreased risk of oral and esophageal cancer, youll need to consume one onion serving per day (approximately 1/2 cup).
22. Strong nervous system
For good memory and strong nervous system, consuming onions is your best bet. When we get quercetin by eating an onion rather than consuming the quercetin in purified, supplement form we may end up getting better protection from oxidative stress. Thats exactly what happened in an animal study where some animals had yellow onion added to their diet in a way that would provide the same amount of quercetin provided to other animals in the form of purified quercetin extracts.
23. Cure menstrual disorders
Onions cure menstrual disorders. Raw onions should be consumed before a few days at the beginning of your cycle. including its hallmark flavonoid antioxidant, quercetin also provide us with anti inflammatory benefits. These antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of fatty acids in our body. When we have lower levels of oxidized fatty acids, our body produces fewer pro inflammatory messaging molecules, and our level of inflammation is kept in check.
24. Get rid of lice and hair fall
Use onion juice on the hair or the scalp to get rid of lice and hair fall. This is one of the most prominent of onion benefits for hair. When onions are simmered to make soup, their quercetin does not get degraded. It simply gets transferred into the water part of the soup. By using a low heat method for preparing onion soup, you can preserve the health benefits of onion that are associated with this key flavonoid.
25. Anti ageing Benefits
Onions possess enormous anti ageing benefits. The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E fight against the damage caused by harmful UV rays as well as prevent free radical damage which is responsible for causing premature ageing of our skin. Onion is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the most powerful antioxidant that can keep your skin wrinkle free. Vitamins and sulphur, on the other hand, protect your skin, and keep it soft and supple. The anti ageing qualities of onion can be attributed to the presence of sulphur rich phytochemicals.
26. Treatment of Acne
The anti microbial, anti bacterial and anti inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin. It is a powerful antiseptic which protects your skin from acne causing bacteria and other skin infections. Onions can be used in the treatment of acne and pimples
27. Lightens the Complexion
Onions help in purifying your blood and supply your body with flavonoids which assist Vitamin C in its important functions. The consumption of onions can keep your skin healthy and glowing. Onions are not a commonly allergenic food, are not known to contain measurable amounts of oxalates or purines and are also not included in the Environmental Working Groups 2010 report Shoppers Guide to Pesticides as one of the 12 foods most frequently containing pesticide residues.
28. Treatment of Dark Spots and Pigmentation
Onion juice is excellent for getting rid of dark spots and pigmentation. The rich variety of phytonutrients and antioxidants in onion nourish your skin while removing skin impurities. You can prepare a face pack by mixing equal quantities of onion juice and fresh yogurt. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil for a pleasant aroma.
29. Treatment of Stings and Bites
Onions can be used to soothe stings and bug bites. All you need to do is place an onion slice on your sting or bite. The anti inflammatory properties of onion help in reducing the burn, itchiness and swelling caused by insect and bug bites. Onions are a very good source of biotin. They are also a good source of manganese, vitamin B6, copper, vitamin C, dietary fiber, phosphorus, potassium, folate, and vitamin B1.
30. Treatment of Thinning Hair
Helpful in treating thinning hair. All you need to do is juice an onion in a juicer and add ? teaspoon of honey to it. You can add any essential oil of your choice to suppress the smell. Apply this mixture all over your hair or onto the portions that appear thin. Leave it overnight and do not cover your head. Shampoo your hair the next morning. This should be done at least once to thrice a week for best results