benefits of maizes

Benefits of Maizes

11. Benefits The Cardiovascular System
Some phytochemicals lower high blood pressure while some others reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. Folates lower the homocysteine levels, higher levels of which are linked to increase in risk of heart disease. maize is a staple crop, and many people rely on it as a primary source of nutrition. In addition to playing a major role in the human diet, maize is also used as livestock fodder. Maize is processed to make an assortment of products ranging from high fructose corn syrup to biofuels, all of which play important roles in human society.
12. Ensures Digestive Health
The fiber alleviates constipation and issues with hemorrhoids. It maintains the healthy proliferation of the friendly bacteria in the large intestine. maize is at the forefront of the green revolution with byproducts like compostable containers and biofuel, while simultaneously being used as a controversial food additive in the form of corn syrup and other derivatives.
13. Benefits In Pregnancy
The folate levels and the iron content keep the hemoglobin levels up in pregnant women and prevent neural defects in the growing fetus. Domesticated maize grows to a height of eight feet (2.5 meters). It is typically planted in rows to make it easy to harvest the female ears once they mature. The crop is also surprisingly vulnerable to pests and drought, given its global importance as a food source.
14. Better Bone Health
Minerals like iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc ensure healthy bones. The exact domestication point for maize is unknown, but it is estimated that the crop is at least 5,000 years old. The plant was originally domesticated in Mesoamerica, and appears to be related to species of wild grass which still exist in Central American today. People in many English speaking nations know maize as corn. Originally, the term corn could refer to any type of grain. When maize was brought back to Europe, it was called Indian corn, a reference to the source of the plant. The term was shortened to corn as maize became ubiquitous in many gardens. In Africa, it is known as mealies.
15. Burning Micturition
Boil fresh corn on the cob. Strain out the water. Add candy sugar to this water and drink. This relieves the burning sensation as well as makes the kidneys healthier. When maize was initially cultivated in the Americas, it was grown along with beans and squash. The beans used the stalks of the maize to support themselves as they grew, while the squash offered a ground cover. The combination was also healthy for the soil, which was additionally enriched with alkaline substances. The addition of alkali to the soil proved to be an important part of growing maize, as alkali frees up niacin in the grain.
16. Primary Tuberculosis
Eat Indian flatbread (Roti) made of corn or maize. Maize, being popular as a food item, is enjoyed by people in various forms, like, whole corn, corn flour, cornstarch, corn gluten, corn syrup, cornmeal, corn oil, popcorn, cornflakes, etc. Apart from satisfying the taste buds of its users, maize is also a good source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.
17. Urinary Infection
Boil about 20 grams of corn silk in 500 ml water for about 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out the silk and drink this almost colorless water 2 to 3 times a day. You can use fresh or dried corn silk. Just ensure it has not been sprayed with pesticide. It relieves urinary difficulties, bladder, infections. UTI. It is a diuretic and flushes the entire urinary tract including the kidneys, bladder, prostate and urethra.
18. Corn is technically a fruit
Each kernel is a fruit. However it is termed a grain and usually considered one like the other grains wheat, oats ,barley etc. In most parts of the world maize is used to refer to corn while in the U.S. and Canada, corn refers to maize. There are over a 100 varieties of corn with the same genus and species. Thus are seen the various colored corn ranging from white to yellow, pink to red and purple to blue, to black; each with its own unique antioxidant, carotenoid and phytonutrient combination.
19. Benefits of Corn for Diabetes
Soluble and insoluble dietary fibers found in it helps in stabilizing the sugar level in the blood vessels by managing the food passage through the digestive tract. High protein content of it manages the digestion of food and sugar absorption into blood stream through the digestive tract thus prevents from sudden rise or down of blood sugar level. Regular consumption of corn helps in controlling the blood sugar level among people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It also manages the secretion of insulin hormone in order to regularize the blood sugar level up to the normal level.
20. Corn for Heart
Soluble dietary fibers found in it help to reduce the bad blood cholesterol level which may lower the risk of heart diseases.It antioxidant nature prevents arteries from getting hard thus reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. When maize was initially exported to other regions, many people suffered from pellagra, or niacin deficiency, until the problem was identified and corrected.