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Aries in Relationship



Aries in Relationship

Aries ( Mar 21 - Apr 19 )
Aries in Relationship :

The demanding and passionate Ram needs an equally self-possessed lover to stimulate them and set them on fire. If not, what's the point? Aries can be fiercely loyal, yet self-centered at the same time, so their partner needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the space they need. The occasional bouts of temper exhibited by Aries are best dealt with if they are used as a prelude to a deeper understanding and the sizzle that comes with kissing and making up. Aries will stick with a relationship as long as it's hot (and fireworks are key to this Fire Sign), but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before they hit the road. The ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never, ever dull.


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