xmas celebration

Xmas Celebration

Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.
11. Do something fun with your family outdoors
Head down to the beach or the local park.In colder areas, go sledding or build a snowman! If there is no snow, bundle up and go on a crisp walk or hike with your loved ones.It is always great to get out of the house and breath in the fresh air.If you live in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, your Christmas is likely to be a warm one.This gives you the opportunity to get outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature and enjoy some of your Christmas Day swimming, walking, resting on the grass or playing a game outside together.Be sure to wear sunscreen and a hat!
12. Deal with Scrooges gracefully
If someone says Let us cancel Christmas or something else negative, simply say something disarming, like, Sorry you do not enjoy this holiday.You are still welcome to come and join us for the day if you have not got anyplace else to go.The Scrooge issues that will prevent him or her from celebrating may keep him or her from accepting your invitation, or may cause him or her to accept, but make frequent disparaging remarks.Just blow them off as kindly as possible and continue your celebration, showing compassion to the poor Scrooge.
13. Reflect on the reason for Christmas
If You are not sure about it or You are rusty on the background, do some research.In the Bible, you can find the Christmas story in the Gospel according to Luke, Chapters 1 and 2, as well as the Gospel according to Matthew Chapters 1 and 2.Consider reading these chapters aloud as part of your family holiday.Ask members of the family for their own impressions of the stories given, to personalize their understanding.Talk to children regularly about the meaning of Christmas and tell them the stories about Christmas.Find beautiful illustrations to accompany the Bible stories to capture their interest.
14. Invite God to come and celebrate the day with you
Some people choose to do this by attending a Christmas Eve service.Some do it by sitting before the Christmas tree and silently inviting God to just be with them.However you decide to do it, for the Christian, making God a part of your day is vital.
15. Spend time quietly being thankful for the gift of Jesus to the world that we celebrate on Christmas
This is the day that Christians have set aside to celebrate the beginning of the greatest gift mankind has ever received.Coming into the Christmas season with a grateful heart is essential if you really want to make the extension from Jesus giving of His amazing gift to your giving and receiving.
16. Create your own nativity scene
A beautiful way to celebrate Christmas is to create a nativity scene within your house or on your front yard.If you have children, ask them to help you.They will love making the little angels and other figures.If you Do not have the ability to create your own nativity scene, consider attending a Nativity play at your local school or church.
17. Involve your children in your family traditions
Wherever you live in the world, teach your kids your family is traditions at a young age.There is something about Christmas time that is absolutely magical to children.
18. Tell your kids Christmas stories
You can do this by reading to them, telling them stories before bedtime, or watching Christmas movies with them.A great idea is to buy a book about all the Christmas traditions around the world.This will give your children an opportunity to learn about other cultures traditions.
19. Help you children believe Santa Claus
Explain who Santa is and how he is going to come visit your house.To really help your children belief in Santa, help them leave cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve.When they are asleep, eat the cookies, leaving some crumbs as evidence and drink the milk (if any was left out.) If your child leaves Santa a note, create a note from Santa thanking your child or answering questions that he or she may have asked.Make sure you write the letter in a different handwriting than your normal one.You can also leave carrots out for the flying reindeer.Have your kids leave carrots out for the reindeer and when theyare asleep, nibble on the carrots, leaving some gnawed pieces behind as evidence.
20. Decorate Christmas cookies
Whip up a batch of sugar cookies or gingerbread cookies and have your children decorate them (heck, you can decorate them too!) Your kids will love making their cookies into colorful, delicious creations.