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What to Eat in Orissa



Khaja is a dessert of India. Refined wheat flour, sugar and oils are the chief ingredients of khaja. It is believed that, even 2000 years ago, Khajas were prepared in the southern side of the Gangetic Plains of Bihar. These areas which are home to khaja, once comprised the central part of Maurya and Gupta empires. Presently, Khajas are prepared and sold in the city of Patna, Gaya and several other places across the state of Bihar. Khajas of the Silao and Rajgir are known for their puffiness. Khajas have travelled to some other parts of India, including Andhra Pradesh and Odisha . Khaja of Kakinada is a coastal town of Andhra Pradesh. Where as khaja of Puri is too famous. At first, the butter is of wheat flour, mawa and oil. It is then deep fried until crisp. Then a sugar syrup is made which is known as Paga. The crisp croissants are then soaked in the sugar syrup until they absorb the sugar syrup. In Kakinada, Khaja is dry from outside and full of sugar syrup from inside and is juicy.


Bela Pana
Ras malai
Dahi machha
Mitha Dahi
Ouu khatta
Chhena Jhili
Khira sagara
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