ways to waste less food

Ways To Waste Less Food

The clouds look like demonic marshmallows that infect the sky.
11. One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch
When storing the fruits and veggies make sure to check on them regularly for any rotten sign. Check each and every vegetable and fruit. If you find a spoilt one discard it from the batch. One rotten apple is enough to spoil the entire bunch. The fungal mold proliferates quickly and spreading over the remaining fruits as well. Try to maintain the stem of the fruits like apple and berries, because once you ve pulled it out the cells start to degenerate and microbes proliferate. The onions must be stored in a dry dark place, contamination sets in when there is moisture contact.
12. Break your bananas apart and increase their counter life
If you have an abundant supply of banana and can t figure out a way to store them longer then here s a tip. You can store the bananas that are in the process of ripening for a longer time. Storing in fridge turns it black. But, if they are already ripe what could you do? All you have to do is to pull the bananas apart from its stem. Or wrap up the stem either in an aluminium foil or a plastic wrap. This slows down the ripening process by preventing the naturally produced ethylene gas from reaching the other parts of the fruit.
13. Make your scallions last longer by keeping them in a jar of water in the fridge
It s difficult to preserve scallions without drying them out. But by employing a simple technique you can preserve with its crunchiness intact for over a week. First you have to trim the roots with the white part intact. Then place them in a Mason jar filled with 2 inches of clean water. The spring onions must be in a standing position. Now cover the entire thing in a plastic bag and place this set up in fridge. Take care to regularly change the water that has turned whitish. While replacing the water take care to wipe off the slime accumulated on the white part.
14. Hang onions in pantyhose and they will last for up to eight months
As weird it may sound you can store onions for a longer time by hanging them in pantyhose. Just tie the bottom of a new or washed panty hose. Place an onion into the sleeve and tie the hose. Then place another onion on top and tie it off. Similarly repeat the process to stack as many onions the pantyhose can accommodate. Then hang the pantyhose in a dark, dry and cool place like a closet, cellar or pantry. You can also use mesh bags instead of pantyhose. Onions stored in this manner remain dry and breathable increasing its shelf life up to 8 months.
15. Extend your breads life with a celery stalk
The moisture in the celery helps keep the bread soft.
16. Wrap cheese in wax paper or cheese paper
First wrap in wax or cheese paper, then stick in a plastic baggie. Gently place the precious cheese in the warmest part of the fridge (vegetable or cheese drawer).
17. Freeze your fresh herbs in olive oil or butter
A new use for those ice trays. Rosemary, sage, thyme and oregano will all freeze well. Dill, basil, and mint, however, should only be used fresh.
18. Tupperware Not just an excuse for parties
You re more likely to store your food properly if you have the right equipment. Invest in reusable, glass tupperware (stores better than the plastic disposable kind), as well as chip clips, and cookie tins. (Mason jars work too)
19. Cook with every part of the food
Turn your corn cob into broth, your broccoli stems into pesto, or your carrot greens into a salad.
20. Use your kitchen scraps to make homemade vegetable stock
Instead of tossing the pieces of vegetables you re not using, keep them in a bag in the freezer. When the collection gets big enough, turn it into stock.