ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
21. Buy energy efficient appliances
On the topic of stove and microwaves, there are several ways you can tell whether an appliance is energy efficient or not. One of these ways is to look for the
22. Eat in season produce
Out of season produce increases the costs of refrigeration significantly. Not surprisingly it also comes with a hefty fuel related price tag in order to get it from where it is in-season to where it is being consumed.
23. Read the newspaper online
This one is a no-brainer. By getting your daily fix of news online rather than in print you are saving a lot on paper printing costs.
24. Install ceiling fans
Using ceiling fans instead of air conditioning is sure fire way to rack up your savings. If you live in a climate where you rely heavily on your A/C this could save you up to a ton in CO2 emissions.
25. Plant a tree
The age old classic, we all did it in elementary school, but it is still the most efficient way to help the environment. Not only do they provide shade and oxygen but they consume CO2 at the same time. Doesn t get much better than that.