tips to succeed in study

Tips to succeed in Study

How to succeed in your studies. Tips and strategies to help you succeed in your studies.
1. Adjust your expectations
The Dutch educational culture and ways of interacting may be quite different from what you were used to at home. The Introduction Programme provides a good opportunity to learn about how things work in Leiden. Getting to understand the new culture will be part of your everyday experiences.Try to be open to new attitudes and ways of doing things. If you come from a different educational culture, give yourself time to get used to the new approach.
2. Ask questions
If you are not sure about something, ASK! Dont be shy about asking. The Dutch are usually very willing to help, but they expect that if you want help, you will ask.
3. General study information
There is a designated contact person study adviser in every faculty department to advise, help, answer questions and provide information. Make sure you find out who this is for your course.
4. Administrative issues
Residence permits, information sessions, registration and fee payment for high fee students: Contact your International Programmes Officer at the department of Student and Educational Affairs, via email or make an appointment via 071 527 8011.Finances, administration after registration, registration and fee payment home fee students and deregistration: Visit or contact the Plexus Student Centre Information Desk.
5. Attend workshops at Plexus
Study skills workshops are given regularly in Plexus for international students. These workshops are useful for developing new skills and getting a smooth start! They cover topics such as the Dutch study system, strategic studying and time management.
6. Manage your time
Time management is important for study success. Your study programme at Leiden University may be more or less intensive or structured than what you were used to, so you may need to manage your time differently. It is important to set priorities for a good balance between study and leisure. If it is your first experience of living away from home, dont forget to make time for cooking, shopping and household chores.
7. Build up social networks
In an unfamiliar country it is important to have a network of friends and contacts for your social life as well as for your study. This may not happen by itself. You will need to actively build it up. Students with good support networks tend to have a more enjoyable and successful stay.
8. Stay physically active
Staying physically active keeps you fit and healthy. It helps you stay happy as well, as activity stimulates your body to produce endorphins happy hormones .
9. Give yourself time to adjust
The initial period of settling in to a new culture can be quite stressful. The unfamiliar physical surroundings combined with the different values, attitudes and ways of behaving can be confusing. It is usual to feel uncertain about yourself, more tired than usual and to miss home. This can result in something referred to as culture shock.
10. Make time to enjoy yourself and relax
A good balance between study and leisure generally leads to better results! So feel free to enjoy yourself and make the most of your stay. Taking time off from study to relax with your friends relieves stress and keeps your energy levels topped up.