tips to succeed in presentation

Tips to succeed in Presentation

Presentations are mostly practiced by students and professionals, and they are a great way to convey
21. Have a separate handout
If theres data that you want the audience to have, put it into a separate document for distribution after your talk. Dont use your slide deck as a data repository.
22. He tells a good story
Jobs builds suspense by keeping the iPad 2 announcement to the end of his part of the presentation. He leads up to the big deal, rather than telling them what youre going to say, saying it, and then telling them what you said.
23. He doesnt use jargon
Jobs language is straightforward, direct, and enthusiastic. He uses little or no jargon occasionally a tech term will creep in, but then he is the head of a high tech company and keeps his remarks grounded in real activities of real people. Hes always telling us what his gadgets can do, not what esoteric features they have.
24. Finally he has fun
A speakers enthusiasm is infectious literally, because we have mirror neurons in our heads that share the emotions we see around us. If the speaker is nervous, we get nervous. If the speaker is jazzed, we get jazzed. Thats why a Jobs presentation is fun to watch.
25. Powerful Opening
Open up with a bang. You want to immediately engage your listeners and set the tone for the presentation. Make sure to plan your statement carefully and deliver a startling statement statistic or fact that you can drive home with sincere appreciation.
26. Introduction
After your opening, you should always briefly overview your agenda for the presentation and introduce all the members of the team. There are two different ways you can go about your introductions. The team leader can briefly introduce each member of the team and their respective role in the project, or each person can briefly state their own name and what their role will be in the project.
27. Handoffs
Part of your preparation for the presentation should go towards planning your handoffs. A poor handoff may slow down the flow of your presentation and confuse the audience. To help ease the transition, you should keep to a strict time frame for each speaker and use verbal cues to indicate that the next speaker is coming up: In a minute, Bob will tell us how the timeline will work. As a presenter, make sure you are listening so that you hear your cue.
28. Team Question and Answer Session
An effectively facilitated question and answer session will leave a lasting and positive impression on your listeners. It is important in a team presentation to plan and prepare for this session. Take some time to predetermine which questions subjects of questions will be answered by which team member. Also, determine a cue that will let your team members know to add on to your point.
29. Close with an Impact
It is important that you end your presentation on a high note. The closing of your presentation will reinforce the message you want your audience to take away with them. You want to have one person, typically the leader, close for the team. At the conclusion of the closing, make sure that you efficiently gather any materials and equipment that you used.
30. Do your homework
Nobody can give a good presentation without putting in some serious time preparing remarks. Many gifted speakers look as if theyre just talking off the cuff, saying whatever comes to mind. But, in truth, theyve spent considerable time figuring out what theyre going to say. You should, too.