tips to get ready for foreign trip

Tips to get ready for Foreign Trip

A state visit is a formal visit by a foreign head of state to another nation.
51. Check the visa requirements for your destination
Countries participating in the Visa Waiver Program do not require citizens of reciprocating countries to pre-arrange a visa, but other countries may require a visa to be in your passport before you arrive.
52. Check for immunization recommendations
You may need to begin immunization injections many months in advance. Immunizations are usually optional but recommended for tourist travel in certain parts of the world. For some countries you need no immunizations at all.
53. Study up on the language
Memorize the word for name or the phrase for What is your name, as it is one of the first things you will be asked upon every encounter. Learn some polite words like please and thank-you. Mind your body language. Know which hand, head, foot or face gestures might be offensive or misinterpreted.
54. Find out the international exchange rate by searching for currency converters online
Some online converters only deal in hard currencies, so if you are going to a country with a soft currency, you will have to search that country with the words currency and conversion or convert For example you could search convert Nepalese rupees to find the rate of that soft currency. Do some calculations and become familiar with what the foreign currency equals in your home currency.
55. Find out electrical standards by doing an Internet search
You may need a plug adapter and a converter. Many online sites list the type of plug you need. Things that heat up, such as a hair dryer, may not work correctly on the volts and cycles of a foreign country, even with a converter. Computer batteries and handheld devices may also be affected by electrical conversion.
56. Research the local atmosphere customs and manners
Find an English language newspaper online for the country you are traveling to, then start reading about current events a month or so in advance. Familiarize yourself with sensitive issues.
57. Learn the local dress and customs
If you are going to a country where most women dress modestly, you may offend someone by wearing a tank top. Men may get stares if they wear short pants, which may be acceptable only for children. In other regions, shorts and no top at all might be normal at a beach or sun bathing location.
58. Learn what is considered appropriate touch
Do not offend your host by hugging upon arrival if that is not acceptable. Likewise, be ready for a kiss upon first meeting where that is expected. In some countries it is offensive to touch someones spouse or children, so keep that in mind. Learn the rules of dress, touch, table manners and speech before you go to a foreign country.
59. Have a communication plan with family and friends at home
Mobile phone charges can be expensive from foreign countries, and Internet services are not always available. Make a plan with your family for call times. Find out the communication options of your destination before you go.
60. Pack wisely
Research the weather, terrain and airline weight regulations before you travel. Overpacking for international travel is a mistake many people make. Lighter is better. Take things you like to wear and plan on wearing several times.