Surprisingly Scary Short Stories
1. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 1
The grinning face stared at me from the darkness beyond my bedroom window. I live on the 13th floor.
2. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 2
I cant sleep she whispered, crawling into bed with me. I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in.
3. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 3
I begin tucking her into bed and she tells me, Daddy check for monsters under my bed. I look underneath for her amusement and see her, another her, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, Daddy theres somebody on my bed.
4. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 4
The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 1:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 1:06, I heard my closet door creak open.
5. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 5
There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping but I live alone.
6. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 6
She asked why I was breathing so heavily. I wasnt.
7. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 7
My wife woke me up last night to tell me there was an intruder in our house. She was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago.
8. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 8
She went upstairs to check on her sleeping toddler. The window was open and the bed was empty.
9. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 9
I put my hand on the wall to guide my way in the dark. Then I felt a heartbeat.
10. Surprisingly Scary Short Stories 10
I cant move, breathe, speak or hear and its so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead.
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