strangely unique schools

Strangely Unique Schools

Most students arrive at school in the morning, bookbag in hand, and return home.
21. Train Platform Schools
India is home to nearly half a billion children, many of whom live in extreme poverty and unfortunately, many of them dont have access to an education. A schoolteacher, Inderjit Khurana, who took the train on a daily basis to work, knew these children couldnt afford school and without education they would not be able to elevate themselves out of poverty. So she decided to take the school to these children and thus was born the train platform school, with the formation of the Ruchika Social Service Organization in 1985. Inderjit passed away on October 26, 2010, but the organization she left as her legacy continues to work toward educating children through these schools.
22. The Blue School
This coeducational, secondary school might not have books, but it still costs about $32,000 a year to attend. However, many parents have pulled their kids out of this Manhattan elementary school, which runs from kindergarten to fifth grade, because it reportedly focuses too much on games and doesnt teach the children to read, but in all honesty thats something one would have to consider before sending their kids to a school without books, no?
23. FDNY High School for Fire and Life Safety
The FDNY High School works in collaboration with the NYC Fire Department to offer an exceptional educational institution while introducing the occupational benefits of the Fire Services and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Upon passing the New York State EMS Certification Exam in the twelfth grade, the students have the opportunity to roll into a full time position with the fire department.
24. The Boat Schools of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world and for that reason has limited natural resources and is now strongly impacted by climate change, which makes it difficult for the people to help their communities. However, its people are really creative and managed to overcome the challenges that the countrys ecosystem poses by transforming the regions waterways into pathways for education, information, and technology. So instead of buildings they have converted boats into schools, libraries, and healthcare and training centers for the isolated waterside communities.
25. Trabajo Ya School
This is literally a school like no other one that offers professional instruction in how to sell your body. For about a U100 ($112) fee, pupils at Trabajo Ya, which means Work Now, in Valencia, Spain, are offered a basic course in professional prostitution with maximum discretion. However, Spains first prostitution school still faces legal challenges from campaigners seeking to close it amid growing public concern.
26. Turfgrass Science
For opportunities beyond the local country club, the more generalized B.S. in Turfgrass Science prepares students for careers in professional lawn care, sod production, athletic field maintenance, and beyond. Though the degree may sound like a walk in the park, courses lean toward the science side of the equation (biology, chemistry, and meteorology are required courses).