Rules to play Yo Yo
1. A Bit of Yo Yo History
The yo yo is one of the oldest toys around and it dates back to 500BC. It was found to have existed in Ancient Greece based on archeological evidences found on vase paintings. The first yo yos were made of terra cotta disks.Yo yos made from rocks were used as hunting weapons in the Philippines during the 16th century. The hunters hunt from trees by throwing rock yo yos at wild animals that walk beneath the trees.One of the first toys to be brought into space was the yo yo. One lucky yellow yo yo went on the space shuttle Discovery in 1985 when the crew members went on their space mission that year. Astronaut David Griggs was the first man to play the yo yo in outer space and demonstrated the effects of weighlessness on a swinging yo yo.
2. Yo yo
Here are some of the basic rules and tricks on how to play with the yo yo.Before you start playing with your yo yo, you must check the area around you and make sure you have plenty of space. Stay clear of windows and other breakable objects. Be careful your yo yo does not hit anybodys head otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble.
3. Tying the Slip Knot
The yo yo string comes with a small loop on one end. Before playing the yo yo, you need to make a slip knot on the string so that it attaches securely on your finger. Pull the main part of the string through the small loop to make another bigger loop. Put your finger through the bigger loop and tighten the slip knot around you finger.
4. Hold the Yo yo
Put the yo yo in the centre of your palm. Your palm should be facing up and the string on the yo yo should be coming from the top of your yo yo.
5. The sleeper
Snap your wrist and arm downwards so that the yo yo falls towards the floor. Keep your arm above your waist.When the yo yo reaches the other end of the string, turn your palm so that it faces downwards.The yo yo should spin at the bottom of the string. This is called The Sleeper.Give the string a tug and the yo yo will come back up into your hand.Practise The Sleeper a few more times before you go on to the other tricks. You can also watch the video below on how to do The Sleeper with the yo yo.
6. Gravity pull
Hold the yo yo in your hand with your palm facing down. Flick your wrist and arm downwards and release the yo yo so that the yo yo falls vertically towards the floor. The yo yo should not do The Sleeper with this trick. Just give the string a tug as soon as the yo yo reaches the bottom and the yo yo will return to your hand. This technique is called the Gravity Pull.
7. Power throw
The Power Throw is an essential trick of yo yo playing. It requires a more powerful snap of the wrist and arm. When the yo yo reaches the end of the string, give the string a tug and the yo yo will come back into your hand.
8. Forward pass
With your arm by your side, hold the yo yo with your palm facing behind you. Swing your arm forward and release the yo yo. The yo yo will extend away from you horizontally. When it reaches the other end of the string, give the string a tug and the yo yo will return.Practise this technique several times and you should be able to master throwing the yo yo forward but make sure you do not hit anyone with your yo yo.
9. Walk the Dog
Apply The Sleeper technique and gently let your yo yo touch the floor. The spinning yo yo will pull it along the floor. Give the string a tug before the yo yo stops spinning and it will return. Practise this trick on the carpet so that you will not damage your yo yo.
10. Around the World
To execute this trick, you have to use The Sleeper and Forward Pass techniques you have learnt. Release your yo yo with the Forward Pass technique, let it do The Sleeper at the other end of the string. While your yo yo is spinning, swing the yo yo over your shoulder and behind your back until it goes around 360 degrees, then give the string a tug and the yo yo will come home.
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