rules to play trampolining

Rules to play Trampolining

21. Match setup
Team captains meet with the refs and play Rock, Paper, Scissors. Winner decides between initial ball control or side of court to begin.
Play begins with each team lined up behind their respective back line (with one foot touching the back wall) Seven balls are on the center line, 4 set for retrieval by one team and 3 for the other.
Ball control (4 balls for retrieval) alternates between teams each game. Halfway through a match, the teams will switch sides of play.
22. Players On the Court
Once the game has begun, players use the balls in play to eliminate players from the other team. This is done by throwing balls to hit opponents, as well as catching the balls that opponents throw. The way to create these out are detailed below, in the section called Rules and Definitions.
23. Stopping play
Play stops when the ref blows their whistle and enters the court. A ball in the air will be considered dead if the Ref has signaled play stopped. When a ref stops play, all players in the outline should remain there, and all players on the court should remain there to the best of their ability. Balls should not be interfered with, and the ref should to their best to return the game to the pre timeout state of play.
24. Injury
When a player is clearly injured, play should stop immediately for their safety. In the event of an individual headshot, the struck player can potentially be given a 10 second window of safety on the court if they have been affected by getting hit. This window will always end prematurely if the player clearly resumes playing. The player is also struck at the same time as a headshot, the hit will count. Players that are removed from the game due to injury are not replaced, though girls removed in this manner still count towards the 31 ratio.
25. Head shots
If a live ball directly strikes a player in the head, the ball is immediately dead and neither they nor the thrower are out. Headshots are defined as any direct throw that strikes a player above the shoulder line.This includes the neck, hair down to the top of the shoulder and any headwear. If a players hair is struck but the hair is below the shoulder line it is not considered a headshot.If a player is struck in the head, they can step off the court in order to regain composure. Regardless of their position on or off court, players are assumed to have a safe period of up to 10 seconds where they cannot be eliminated. If a player resumes dodgeball activities then they are immediately returned to play and can be eliminated.A throw is not considered a headshot the hit was not direct, ie. A ricocheted ball hits a player in the head.Intentionally throwing at peoples heads and faces goes against what a majority of people in a dodgeball league consider fun. Referees should keep this in mind and can warn or card repeated violators.

All players have the right to protect their faces. If a player is clearly attempting to protect their headface with their hands

26. Penalties
For some infractions a referee may give a warning or stop play to caution a team, in other instances a yellow or red card may be given immediately. Refs have final judgment on the assignment of penalty cards.
27. End of Game
The game ends immediately when one team has their last player eliminated, regardless of live balls remaining in play.In the occasion when all remaining players on both teams are eliminated simultaneously, it will be up to the judgment of the ref to determine a winner. If there is not a clear winner, a tie will be declared for the game.At the conclusion of each game the losing team must rack or line up the balls prior to the start of the game.When a game will potentially end due to time running out in regulation, the referee will extend both hands up in order to signal that their countdown will result in the end of game. When the referee blows the whistle to signal end of game, the game end immediately. All plays immediately cease and players can no longer make valid catches, throws, or other outs. All balls are immediately considered dead.
28. End of match
The team that wins the most games in the span of 50 minutes will be declared the winner. At the end of the match both team captains will meet with the refs to turn in lineup cards and address any issues that were not taken care of during the match.