rules to play ildado

Rules to play Ildado

21. Home game blackjack
Each player at the blackjack table has a circle or box to place bets in. There will always be a minimum bet and a maximum bet for the table. The maximum bet is normally ten to twenty times the minimum bet, meaning that a table with a $5 minimum would have a $50 to $100 maximum. Each player decides how much to bet on a hand before the deal.
22. Betting and winning
After the cards have been dealt, the game goes on with each player taking action in clockwise order starting to dealers left. First, the player must declare if he wants to take advantage of the side rules explained below. You can only use the side rules once, when its your turn to act after the deal. Then the player can keep his hand as it is stand or take more cards from the deck hit, one at a time, until either the player judges that the hand is strong enough to go up against the dealers hand and stands, or until it goes over 21, in which case the player immediately loses busts. In most places, players can take as many cards as they like, as long as they dont bust, but some casinos have restrictions regarding this.
23. The players turns
When all players have finished their actions, either decided to stand or busted, the dealer turns over his hidden hole card. If the dealer has a natural 21 blackjack with his two cards, he wont take any more cards. All players lose, except players who also have a blackjack, in which case it is a push the bet is returned to the player. If the dealer doesnt have a natural, he hits takes more cards or stands depending on the value of the hand. Contrary to the player, though, the dealers action is completely dictated by the rules. The dealer must hit if the value of the hand is lower than 17, otherwise the dealer will stand. Whether or not the dealer must hit on a soft 17 a hand of 17 containing an ace being counted as 11 differs from casino to casino. There might even be blackjack tables with different rules within the same casino.
24. The dealers turn
If the dealer goes bust, all players who are left in the game win. Otherwise players with higher point totals than the dealer win, while players with lower totals than the dealer lose. Players with a blackjack win a bet plus a bonus amount, which is normally equal to half their original wager. A blackjack hand beats any other hand, also those with a total value of 21 but with more cards. As described above, if the dealer has a blackjack, players with blackjack make a push, while all other players lose.
25. Showdown
If youre fairly sure that your hand will beat the dealers, you can double your original bet. Youre sometimes allowed to double down for any amount up to the original bet amount. In most casinos you may double down on any hand, but some casinos require an opening hand worth 11, 10 or 9.