Rules to play Goal Ball
11. Game Time
A regular Goalball game is 20 minutes, consisting of two 10 minute halves. There is a 3 minute half time, in order for the teams to switch ends.
12. First Ball
A coin toss determines which team will receive the first ball, with the opposing team receiving the ball after half time. Each team is allowed three, 45 seconds, time outs in a game.
13. Eyeshades
In order to maintain an equal advantage, all team members, must wear eyeshades at all times, during the game. After the game has started, a player may only adjust his or her eyeshades, by raising your arm up in the air, and calling eyeshades. Only then, after the referee tells the person to turn around, may the person adjust their eyeshades.
14. Time limits
Upon receiving control of the ball, a team has only 10 seconds to throw the ball back at the opposing team. If not, it is considered a team penalty.
15. Throwing
The ball must be rolled on the floor. When throwing the ball, it must touch the floor before the over throw line or it is considered to be a high ball. This would constitute a penalty and nullifies any goal scored from that throw. So keep in mind, that the ball must be bowled or rolled along the floor rather then thrown.
When throwing the ball back at the defending team, one must always, feel the floor marking first, so that they are squared off and facing, the direction in which they wish to throw. Once they are aware of their position, they are ready to throw the ball. They can take a step or two, and bowl, or roll the ball, along the floor, in the direction of the opposing team. Remember, you have only have eight seconds after stopping the ball, to throw it back.
16. Defending
Players must stay with in the team area when defending. When stopping the ball, some part of the players body must be touching the team area or it is called Illegal defence and constitutes a penalty.
17. Goal
A goal counts when the ball passes completely over the 9m backgoal line of either team area. It is a goal no matter, how it crosses the line, if it was thrown by the opposing team, and or thrown or carried over by your own team members.
18. Players Positions
In Goalball there are two types of positions on a team, there is one Centre and two Wingers.
19. Defensively
The wingers main responsibility is to cover the wing line. That is, the 1.5m lines on either end of the team area and parallel to the goal line. His second responsibility, is to back up his centre player. The defending winger should stand with his feet at the end of the wing line in a crouched or a squatting position. When he hears the oncoming ball and has determined its course, he should line down in the direction of the oncoming ball, either going left or right, always remembering to lie down in line with the wing line, that is parallel to the goal line. The player must always remember, to stretch out fully with arms and legs straight, becoming almost an extension of the wing line, covering as much of the goal line as possible. The players arms, should be straight, but in front of the players face, with the head tilted back, protecting the players face from any contact with the ball.
The Centre defends the same as a winger, always diving onto the floor, fully stretched out, covering as much of the court as possible. The Centre player will play on the front line of the team area, orientating himself with the 0.15m centre line. This marking tells the centre, that he is at the middle of the front line. The centre either dives left or right, along the front line in the direction of the oncoming ball, always keeping, some part of his body in the team area.
20. Strategies
There are many strategies to the game of Goalball. You can throw the ball hard and fast, or soft and slow. You can throw the ball cross court form corner to corner, or even curve it by placing a spin on the ball before releasing it. These techniques all have advantages and disadvantages which always leaves new things to master the game and makes it both interesting and fun to play.
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