rules to play biathlon

Rules to play Biathlon

21. Skis and wax
Freestyle technique skis are shorter, nominally stiffer and have tips that curve less than classic technique skis. Glide wax is applied to the entire under surface.
22. Target
The size of the target varies according to the position (standing or prone) of the contestant. If a contestant hits a target that is coloured black, a white disc slides across it, indicating a successful shot.
23. Boots
These are more rigid and have more ankle support than classic technique boots because they are subject to considerable lateral pressure.
24. Clip
Also called a magazine. Used to hold five .22 calibre rifle cartridges. Up to four clips can be stored in the rifle stock while the athlete skis the course. At the range, the clips are taken from the stock and inserted into the rifle as needed.
25. Rear sight
A clear cylinder that magnifies the target (to align the target correctly, the fore sight should be perfectly centred in the rear sight; generally, one eye is shut to eliminate distractions).