prevent dengue

Prevent Dengue

11. Stay in air conditioned
It's particularly important to keep mosquitoes out at night.
12. Reschedule outdoor activities
Avoid being outdoors at dawn, dusk and early evening, when more mosquitoes are out
13. Use mosquito repellent
Permethrin can be applied to your clothing, shoes, camping gear and bed netting. You can also buy clothing made with permethrin already in it. For your skin, use a repellent containing at least a 10 percent concentration of DEET
14. Reduce mosquito habitat
The mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus typically live in and around houses, breeding in standing water that can collect in such things as used automobile tires. Reduce the breeding habitat to lower mosquito populations.
15. Treatment
There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. You should rest, drink plenty of fluids and see your doctor. Some people who have suffered from dengue have found that drinking raw papaya juice helps increase their blood platelet count. Whilst this isn
16. Mosquito Wipes
Like wet wipes these are easy to use and particularly good for little kids. Various brands are available; we?ve tried the DEET-free Pigeon anti-mosquito wet wipes and found them to be effective.
17. Cover your skin as possible
Wear long sleeves, long pants / trousers, socks and covered shoes. Light coloured clothing is less attractive to mosquitoes than dark colours.
18. Avoid mosquito attracting smells
Shower to remove sweat and use unscented sunscreen and shampoos.
19. Use mosquito deterrents in the home
Numerous electronic vaporizer repellents for keeping mosquitoes at bay are available but it is important to remember that the fumes inhaled by kids might cause allergic reactions. You can also use repellents, which are either applied on the body or are in contact with the skin. Various other alternatives available in India include Citronella Balm, Odomos Naturals, anti-mosquito wipes etc. These should be used in addition to long sleeve clothing as well as use of mosquito nets.
20. Avoid breeding grounds
Mosquitoes are more likely to be found in areas where they can breed, such as stagnant pools. Make sure there are no unnecessary collections of water in your home (e.g in paddling pools, old tyres, pot plant dishes, etc.)