Precautions while using Skype
before you start using it there are a few precautions you need to take in order to stay safe online.
21. Avoid patterned clothing
Wear a shirt thats business casual and complimentary to your skin tone. Avoid patterns that come across as too loud on screen, such as anything floral or bright stripes. Clothing can distract the interviewer from the information conveyed during the conversation, so its important to plan your outfit carefully.
22. Conduct a mock interview
Being comfortable with the technology prevents the added stress from a tech malfunction. Find a person you trust and use Skype or other video conferencing software to conduct a mock interview. Youre bound to make mistakes, so its best to practice with someone who can provide honest feedback.
23. Test audio and video
Just because your laptop has a built in video camera and microphone doesnt mean the quality is up to par. Instead, test out the video and audio capabilities on your computer and decide whether you need to buy a headset with a microphone or an attachable video camera. Before the interview, some companies may send their own video devices to applicants.
24. Add extra enthusiasm
Any news announcer will tell that your reactions translate differently when on screen, so its important to compensate with extra enthusiasm and concise answers. Additionally, speak succinctly and remember that speed is important, Aylward says. Practice speaking more quickly than you normally do, she says.
25. Practice making eye contact with the camera
Dont focus your glance at the image of the person on the screen. This will make it appear as though you are looking down. One trick is to tape a photo of somebody next to the web cam lens.
26. Situate yourself against a plain background
You dont want a prospective employer seeing your dirty pile of laundry sitting behind you, advises Jill Veved, PR rep for Vivalta, a recruiting firm for finance and accounting professionals. A blank wall is best, but if this isnt possible, make sure you have minimal distractions behind you.
27. Make sure its quiet
A crying baby or barking dog wouldnt interrupt an interview conducted at your future knock on wood office. Take precautions to make sure they dont intrude on your home based interview, either. You dont want to risk having to pause your meeting to silence the sound of your beloved beagles vocal siren, says Tyson Spring, a partner in the human resources consultancy ?lever Professional.
28. Dress professionally
I wore a suit and did my hair and make up just as I would if the interview had been in person, says Heather Taylor, who snagged her job as social media manager of MyCorporation via video chat. Even though you can get away with wearing gym shorts beneath your office worthy top, putting on a fully professional ensemble with help keep your head in the game.
29. Experiment with lighting
Most computers are in areas with light from above or behind, notes Mark Herschberg, an executive with a financial information service. Its great for working, but gives you bad shadows on camera. He recommends picking an area thats well lit but not so bright that it makes you squint.
30. Set up in advance
Nothing causes more anxiety during a Skype interview than realizing that your internet connection or other technical details are out of whack. I recommend using a wired internet connection where possible and your best hardware, says Tyson Spring. Dont pull the 2002 Dell Dimensions out of the closet and hope for it to perform with 2011 Software applications. Test your equipment and software together well in advance of the interview.
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