precautions while using pesticides

Precautions while using Pesticides

Pesticides are substances meant for attracting, seducing, destroying, or mitigating any pest.
51. Cause
The most common exposure scenarios for pesticide poisoning cases are accidental or suicidal poisonings, occupational exposure, by stander exposure to off target drift, and the general public who are exposed through environmental contamination. Accidental and suicidal Self poisoning with agricultural pesticides represents a major hidden public health problem accounting for approximately one third of all suicides worldwide.
52. Diagnosis
Most pesticide related illnesses have signs and symptoms that are similar to common medical conditions, so a complete and detailed environmental and occupational history is essential for correctly diagnosing a pesticide poisoning. A few additional screening questions about the patients work and home environment, in addition to a typical health questionnaire, can indicate whether there was a potential pesticide poisoning.
53. Prevention
Accidental poisonings can be avoided by proper labeling and storage of containers. When handling or applying pesticides, exposure can be significantly reduced by protecting certain parts of the body where the skin shows increased absorption, such as the scrotal region, underarms, face, scalp, and hands. Using chemical resistant gloves has been shown to reduce contamination by 33 86%.. Further methods in order to aid prevention of acute pesticide poisoning, concerning both accidental death and suicides, there could be a method for national governments to control accessibility.
54. Treatment
Specific treatments for acute pesticide poisoning are often dependent on the pesticide or class of pesticide responsible for the poisoning. However, there are basic management techniques that are applicable to most acute poisonings, including skin decontamination, airway protection, gastrointestinal decontamination, and seizure treatment.