Precautions while using Bleaching
Precautions while using Bleaching
1. What is Bleach
Bleach simply refers to a product that lightens the color of things through the action of oxidation. However, most people when they refer to cleaning with bleach are thinking of household strength chlorine bleach, a solution of sodium hypochlorite manufactured from chlorine.
2. How is bleach used
In a clean plastic container, prepare a solution by diluting one cup of bleach into 9 cups of
clean water. Be careful not to splash any solution on your clothes, or carpeting. Rinse a
cloth or sponge in the solution and wring tightly. Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge,
not a wet one. Make fresh solution when it becomes dirty. Never add more bleach to a dirty
3. Why is bleach used
Bleach is an inexpensive, but very effective disinfectant sanitizer. It is especially useful in
killing mildew on washable, colorfast surfaces.
4. Selection of bleach
The very first and one of the most important step while bleaching is the selection of the bleach. There are two types of bleaches available in the market.
5. Powdered bleach
While using powdered bleach you have to add bleaching powder, liquid hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. As the effect of powdered bleach is very high one should use powdered bleach only for bleaching dark spots and freckles.
6. Milk bleach
If you have a sensitive skin and you want to bleach whole face you can use milk bleach. It is made of milk powder can be used by mixing ammonia.
7. Oxy bleach
Oxy bleach is the latest variety of bleach which is said to be the safest bleach ever. It comes with a pre bleach cream which forms a protective shield on your skin. Oxy ? bleach revives the skin by the oxygen and gives your pale skin an instant glow.
8. Soap flakes bleach
This kind of bleach is best suited for oily skin. As oily skin are prone to acne and pimples soap flake bleach comes in the form of soap with antibacterial properties. It is to be used as soap.
9. Aloevera bleach
Bleaching on an aged skin makes it sagging. So instead of ammonia based bleach cream on should use aloevera bleach. It keeps the moisture of the skin intact.
10. Oil based bleach cream bleach
Dry skin oil based bleach is best as it comes in the form of crystals and keeps the moisture balance of your skin.
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