Paintings Sculptures
1. Kamabhisarika Nayika Kota School 17th century AD
Kota was formed by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir by bifurcating Bundi. Kota School of miniature painting owe their origin to the Bundi School. Stylistically they are similar. But there are certain differences. The Kota figures are also squat, but the linear quality is less pronounced. The female figures neither wear the translucent chunnis, nor keep their hair open, as do the Bundi women. The Kota School is less romantically inclined than Bundi. Instead Kota has concentrated more on hunting scenes and on elephant fights. Kota is more on masculine themes; Bundi on feminine sensibilities.
Keshavdas, the famous poet from Orcha, wrote his Rasikpriya, in early 17th century. Considered a classic on love poetry or in 'Shringar rasa' it became an instant hit with musicians, dancers and painters. Keshavdas has classified Nayika into different classes. Here is one who is driven by her passion to meet her lover. Since both are passionate, they are painted in hot colors of red and orange and yellow. Unmindful of the dangers, the Nayika walks through the forest.
When she reaches the Nayak, he asks her, " how did you manage to reach me through all the dangerous beasts?"
She says, "I didn't notice them, as your thoughts were my companion."
When lost in the thoughts of divinity, we too do not notice the troubles of the world, as thoughts of Him are our companions
2. Ram Singh I of Kota Hunting Rhinoceros Kota School 1700 AD
Animals have fascinated the artists throughout history. They are depicted on caves to palaces. The elephant has caught the imagination of the indian artists. Considered to be the wisest of the animals, Lord Ganesh, the god of wisdom, in the Hindu pantheon, is elephant headed.
Like the Mughal School, the Kota school has excelled in depicting the elephant. But while the former School has caught the majesty of the animal, the latter has emphasised the comic part of the animal. The elephant is round bodied, corpulent, cumbersome, comical. But in this painting, the artist has depicted the strength, the agility, the force of the animal. The elephant has caught the rhinoceros with its trunk. The rhinoceros is devoid of any strength. The speed, the thumping, the thrust of the spear, the fight between man and nature has been transformed into a lyrical poetry of lines and colors, of shapes and shades. This painting is a tribute to the genius of the Kota master artists.
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