naturally beautiful

Naturally Beautiful

21. Cure for grey hair
Say goodbye to grey hair problem. Make a paste of henna leaves and curd and apply it on your gray hair. Let it dry for some time and then wash it with water.
22. Beautiful hands
Prepare a mixture of lemon juice, coconut oil, glycerin and rose water. Apply it on your hand before going to bed and keep it overnight. Next day morning wash your hands with warm water. Your hands will become soft and beautiful.
23. Beautiful lips
Take one teaspoon bee wax, and melt it by using micro oven, then add one tsp of apricot or calendula oil. Stir it properly. Leave it for cooling in room temperature. Add few drops of essential oil. Finally keep this mixture in a tight glass jar. You can use as lip balm every day.
24. Nail care
If your nails get yellow by using excess nail polish, clean it with lemon juice. Soak your nails in lemon juice for 5 minutes.
25. Skin care reduce blemishes
The natural bleaching agents in potato make them popular at home bleaching agent. Typically, the juice of the potato is applied to the skin to reduce blemishes and whiten the skins pigmentation.