most powerful weapons in history

Most Powerful Weapons In History

Many interesting weapons came out of ancient India, but among the most dangerous was the haladie.
31. AK 47
The AK47 assault rifle came about during World War II where the Nazi army was the first to field them in great quantity. It was desirable because it was cheap to make, requires little to no training, and could be used in terrible weather conditions. Currently, it has become the worlds most effective combat weapon and killing machine in history according to many people and experts.
32. Assault Rifle F2000
The F2000 assault rifle is ranked one of the most dangerous guns in the world. Its fully automatic and was first displayed in 2001 at Abu Dhabi. You better watch out because it can make 850 rounds a minute and has an effective range of 500m. Oh, and did I mention that it has a lightweight 40mm grenade launcher that uses low velocity grenades. Pretty cool, right?
33. Taranis
It only costs around $336 million and hasnt even made its debut on the field yet. Its designed to go at record speeds and fly undetected by radar. Take a look at this footage to see it in action:
34. Advanced Heavy Machine Gun
This is the kind of machine gun (XM307 ACSW) that gets a lot of damage done. It has the ability to be mounted on a vehicle and has two usable guns. It can obliterate helicopters, vehicles, water crafts and people (of course). The machine gun is also able to fire at a constant rate of 260 rounds in a minute. In other words
35. F22 Raptor Fighter Jet
The Lockheed Martin F22 Raptor is a twinengine, fifthgeneration supersonic fighter aircraft. Capabilities: ground attack, electronic warfare, transporting, and more. The F22 has previously had issues, such as oxygen problems for the pilots and high production costs. However, its currently the Air Forces top fighter jet. It will soon have revolutionary software capable of using longrange radar mapping to find targets and direct small bombs to enemies.