most popular search engines

Most Popular Search Engines

A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information
21. 123people
123people has a broad reach, delving into blogs and public profiles to increase your chances of finding who youre looking for. 123people is a strong people search engine, but one of the best pieces of functionality available to 123people searchers is its email notification feature, which sends out an email alert whenever the results of a specific search changes. Its a little heavy on the stalk factor (though in a strange way not all that different from Facebooks newsfeed), but it saves you from wasting your time with fruitless return searches.
22. MSN Search
MSN, the Microsoft Network, was launched in 1995 as a rival to AOL. It added Hotmail, instant messaging, shopping and other services as it grew into a portal, and in July 2000, it became the leading web destination, with more than 200m visitors a month. Two years ago, Microsoft decided that MSNs search should be powered by Microsoft technology, and this was finally released in 21 countries in 10 languages on February 1.Microsofts offerings are: Web, News, Images, Desktop, and Encarta. It also has a Near Me button for local searches. The results pages look like Googles but adverts are more prominent. As with Google and Yahoo, the toolbar and desktop search software must be downloaded separately.

Unadjusted searches at MSN are rarely better than Google and sometimes much worse. Most of its usage is therefore most likely to come from people who are on the MSN site for other reasons, or are searching from Microsofts Internet Explorer browser, where it is the default.MSN Search does have a drop down tool, Search Builder, which includes sliders that let you adjust the settings for sites that are more popular or have been updated recently. However, these are so cumbersome to use, it seems few will bother.

23. Golden oldies
Ask Jeeves ( is one of the biggest engines outside the top table, and claims to be most peoples second favourite engine. The original concept of using natural language (where can I find bike shops in Glasgow?) still holds true, although it also caters for keyword searching. The hard work is done by the Teoma engine (, which Jeeves acquired in 2000. Both give clean results, including image and related search options, and Jeeves also offers MyJeeves, which remembers your searches and lets you save important ones.Other long standing search names are still going, though most have been bought out by larger rivals or exist in radically different forms. Pioneer AltaVista ( was bought out by a series of small firms until it was hoovered up by Yahoo, and it now uses Yahoo results, though it still boasts one of the webs best translators, BabelFish ( Other engines including Inktomi have also been consumed by the Yahoo brand.

One of the webs earliest search successes, Lycos (, is still around, though it, too, has changed hands many times. It now works in tandem with Hotbot (, a metasearch site that pulls results from across several engines to produce aggregated and theoretically better results.Dogpile ( is probably the best known metasearch engine, and draws results from Jeeves, Google, Yahoo and others. It pulls answers from these and removes duplicates, but sometimes misses some of the more idiosyncratic results. It also searches across images, audio, video and news. If you find the results arent quite your cup of tea, you could turn to MetaCrawler (, which is also owned by Dogpiles parent company, Infospace. Metacrawler was launched in 1994, so it has a long track record, and it produces filtered results from a familiar range of sources.

24. Clustering
Several of the lower league search engines use a technique known as clustering to help users filter out the best results. This intelligently divides a morass of answers into categories, to help users weed out unwanted pages particularly useful if you get thousands of results on your keywords. Clusty ( is still in beta testing mode, but combines Google like search functions with clustering options. A search for Guardian Online, for example, pro duced clusters including newspapers, politics, journalism, entertainment, books and angels. You can build categories based on either topic, source or URL, and the news and image searches seem fairly accurate, even if they sometimes return fewer results than you might need.Australian based Mooter ( has a more visual approach, presenting clusters as a spider diagram, and shows a more traditional list when you click on your chosen category but by the time you get to the results, they seem much the same as other engines.Kartoo takes the visual option further by drawing Flash maps of search results. While visually interesting, it can be cumbersome and seems to throw up a lot of commercial results.
25. Regular and real time
Other sites have chosen different ways to change Googles search paradigm. Some have opted for more regular or even real time searching, taking results from the web as they happen rather than relying on an irregularly updated library of results.Daypop ( trawls news sites and weblogs at least once a day, producing good results, while ( applies itself purely to weblogs but picks up new pages within minutes of them being published. The basic search is adequate, though it sometimes suffers from time outs. The recently launched tags function incorporates blog categories, social bookmarking site and photo sharing service Flickr to create ad hoc keyword homepages.
26. Local searches
Some search firms focus on geographical niches, favouring local results to offer what could be more appropriate answers. Several target the British market, including UKWizz (, which looks quite basic and struggles to compete with Googles local search ( (, a British based news searcher, sifts through headlines on news stories and categorises them by age. It is very good for basic searches (Beckham, for example) but you have to pay to search for multiword phrases or inside the full text of an article.Exalead, which is still in beta, ( http: ) is a well designed attempt to provide as many search options as possible, including geographically based ones. It also includes audio and video searching, limited clustering and the ability to search for different document types all without cluttering the interface.
27. Honourable mentions
Blinkx ( drops keyword search in favour of clever artifical intelligence to find what youre looking for. The interface is clunky, but it draws results from the web, your desktop and other sources.Icerocket (< a href=http:> is quite similar to the big engines, but provides a screenshot of the page the result comes from, and searches both blogs and photographs within blogs though that seems limited.Singing Fish ( focuses on audio and video search. It is not perfect and is unlikely to give you huge numbers of results (just 10 for Eminem Mosh, for example) but it is customisable and has a parental filter.

Websbiggest ( ranks pages by the amount of traffic they get, while Looksmart (, a survivor of the early days, focuses on being a portal, offering little to the search melee.Amazon owned A9 ( organises and recalls searches easily (handy if you cant remember how you found that website last Saturday), but the basic results are provided by Google. It links up with and the Internet Movie Database, making it useful for searching across books and movies. If youd like to comment on any aspect of Online, send your emails to Please include your address and telephone number. If you do not want your email address published please say so.

28. CareerBuilder
CareerBuilder is among the leading job boards, providing job listings, resume posting, and career advice and resources to job seekers. CareerBuilder has partnered with many newspapers to provide local as well as national job listings.
29. Dice
Dice is the leading site for tech job seekers. You can search by company, job title, keyword and location. Theres also career advice and tech news for job seekers.
30. Glassdoor
Glassdoor is a career community that helps people find jobs and companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor members can find Inside Connections at a company through their Facebook network, see the latest job listings, as well as get access to proprietary user generated content including company specific salary reports, ratings and reviews, CEO approval ratings, interview questions and reviews, office photos, and more.