Most Influential People in the World
Most Influential People in the World
21. Hillary Clinton Secretary of State
Playing a critical role on the international relations scene, Hillary has managed to strengthen American alliances in Asia and Europe while simultaneously engaging emerging powers like Brazil, India, and China. Moreover, she has helped direct an administration that is surprisingly united on foreign policy.
22. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Founder
At 27 years old Mark has already managed to completely change the way about 500 million people live their lives. As the founder and CEO of Facebook his estimated worth is somewhere around $17.5 billion and in 2010 he was named TIME person of the year.
23. Wael Ghonim Spokesman for a Revolution
A successful Google executive, this young Egyptian had lost all hope when it came to changing his homeland. Eventually, though, he came to realize the power of social media in uniting people under a common banner. With this knowledge under his belt he helped catalyze the revolution that ousted Mubarak and initiated revolutions across the Arab world.
24. Lamido Sanusi Central Banker
The Nigerian Banking Industry is notoriously corrupt so when Sanusi took the reigns in 2009 things were not looking very bright. Without delay, however, he fired 8 of his former colleagues and ordered new legislation to bring accountability and transparency to the industry. In spite of having received death threats he continues to promote reforms.
25. Aung San Suu Kyi Freedom Fighter
At 65 years old and having spent most of her life in prison, Kyi is no where near done fighting for democracy. In 1991 she won the Nobel Peace Prize and for years has been fighting for freedom in her country.
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