most dangerous animal in the world

Most Dangerous Animal in the World

Deadly Animals That KILL the Most Humans. This ranking shows up facts about sharks, jellyfish, cape
11. Box Jellyfish
Killing more people every year than sharks, crocodiles, and stonefish combined, this box of death has been labeled worlds most venomous animal.Its venom is so potent in fact, that in some cases treatment consists of little more than last minute CPR.
12. African Lion
While humans are generally not on their hitlist, some lions have been known to actively seek out human prey. One famous case was that of the Tsavo maneaters in 1898 who mauled and killed 28 railway workers in Kenya over a 9 month period.
13. Boomslang
Although they are relatively shy and dont generally attack humans, when they do, things can get messy. Boomslang venom is a hemotoxin that disables blood clotting. In others words, its victims slowly die as they bleed out from every pore in their body.
14. Puffer Fish
Considered one of the most poisonous vertebrates in the world, if you have read our article aboutthe 25 strangest foods in the world, you know that it is a delicacy in Japan. Puffer poison will, however, paralyze your diaphragm and stop your breathing if you fail to prepare it correctly.
15. Hyena
While these predators may be wary of human interaction during the day, after sunset the paradigm shifts. Although hyenas have been known to hunt humans throughout history, the behavior tends to increase during wartime and disease outbreaks due to their strong affinity for human corpses.
16. Komodo Dragon
Very much like Polar Bears, Komodo Dragons are not picky eaters. They will eat anything from birds to water buffalos to humans and they have even been known to dig up bodies from shallow graves. They are prodigious hunters and will wait stealthily until their prey approaches after which they will charge forward, rip out its throat, and retreat while it bleeds out. Once again, like Polar Bears, the only reason their human kill count is so low is probably due to limited interaction as well as the fact that they only really need to eat once a month.
17. Tse Tse Fly
This large blood sucking fly is the primary carrier of African Sleeping Sickness and is therefore indirectly responsible for killing up to a quarter of a million people every year.
18. Leopard
When most animals are wounded they run away and hide. Not leopards. When these dangerous creatures are wounded they become even more dangerous. Not only that, but theyre strong. Anyone who has watched the Discovery Channel knows that they like to hide their prey out of reach. Translation: they drag dead antelopes up trees.
19. Carpet Viper
Responsible for the majority of snake related deaths in the world, this viper uses a hemotoxin similar to that of the boomslang. Unfortunately most of the bites occur in areas that lack modern medical facilities so the victims slowly bleed to death over the course of several weeks.
20. Brazilian Wandering Spider
Meet the most venomous spider in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. What makes this critter so dangerous though is also how it got its name