men like in women

Men Like in Women

The term woman is usually reserved for an adult,with the term girl being the usual term for a femal.
11. A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Emotionally Mature
If a man feels attracted to a woman, eventually there?s going to be a situation that comes up where you and a man will see something differently and misunderstand each other.
How will you respond to this and share your feelings?A woman who has the maturity to not blame or criticize a man for what she?s feeling, but to share her feelings in an honest and authentic way that helps a man better understand her will be attractive to a man. How a woman handles her emotions is one of the most important things men look for when deciding whether or not to get serious with a woman. If she lets her emotions get out of control, this is a big red flag to him.
On the other hand, if she can present her feelings to him in a calm, non-dramatic manner, she will win his respect and make him feel like she?s the kind of woman who will be a real partner to him. He?ll see that she can handle things with a cool head rather than becoming a damsel in distress he has to rescue.
12. A Real Man Wants A Woman Hes Intensely Attracted To Fact
Men arent as scared of commitment and relationships as they are scared of being in a relationship with a woman where there is no passion and attraction.
A common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might be feeling is by either trying too hard to get him to like you, or by acting like the relationship is too serious too soon.
13. No make up
Men aren?t as scared of commitment and relationships as they are scared of being in a relationship with a woman where there is no passion and attraction.
A common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might be feeling is by either trying too hard to get him to like you, or by acting like the relationship is too serious too soon.
14. Lingerie that doesnt match
You thought you should pair your lacy, Show him that you are unprepared and yet give in to his desires and make yourself hotter!
15. Wit
You thought it was all about physical contact? Crack a joke or flash your smile and he's sure to get wooed! Tip: It's better still if you are game even for jokes that are played on you. And why not? It just proves how self assured you are.
16. Intelligence and maturity
Flaunt your real self, support him when he is down, talk dirty and show your sensual attitude, and girl, you've got him!
17. Wearing a baggy tee to bed
Stay casual and he'll be more comfortable in your company. Don't intimidate him by being prim always or sounding like a know it all.
18. Unkempt hair
Why get prim and proper when your man likes your out-of-the-bed hair or smudged kohl eyes?
19. Eye Contact
Make yourself irresistible by looking at his eyes and putting across your point. Don't be shy.
20. A Good Listener
Most men appreciate women who are able to just listen no ? I told you so? lines, no lectures, tips or comments regarding what you would do if you were in his place. You know just sitting, listening, just showing that you care. Oh, and that involves being patient as well, understanding that most men need to ?process? their problems before they can talk about them and learning to say, ?Okay, baby, whenever you want to talk about it I?m here for you.? The ability to listen and really hear what's being said is one of the things men like in women because it's so supportive and they're much more likely to reciprocate.