mahabharata management

Mahabharata Management

11. Lesson No 10
You should know the ground realities. Bonhomie and feeling of brotherhood in the camp lifts the fighting spirit.

Pandavas knew their ground realities. They knew their strengths and weaknesses. There was great bonhomie and sense of brotherhood amongst the members of the Pandava camp as they had met people from all strata of life during their Vanvasa.

Kauravas: Kauravas were brought up in palaces in the lap of luxury, power and pride. They never stayed or connected with the common man. Due to their overconfidence they could never focus on their weaknesses
12. Lesson No 11
Empowering the women and taking their opinion in decision making brings a balance to a camp. It combines harmony and sustenance with aggression and dominance.

Pandavas had a major female influence in their camp. They had tremendous respect for their mother Kunti's word which made them marry the same woman Draupadi. Draupadi was also a part of their decision making process at every step. Theirs was a matriarchal set up.

Kauravas had a patriarchal set up. Dhritrashtra, Shakuni, Drona, Duryodhana took the decision themselves. Gandhari was a non entity in the Kauravas camp.
13. Lesson No 12
The leaders should Inspire, Invigorate and lift the Team spirit in times of crisis.

Pandavas had leaders who the fellow warriors could look up to. They inspired and motivated their army. When Arjuna was in a dilemma as to how to fight your own brothers and Gurus, Krishna advised him wisely. His teachings to Arjuna are referred to as Geeta Gyan, a complete chapter in Mahabharata.

Kauravas in their individual egos and pride always found faults with each other. Their leadrs could not command respect from their subordinates.