international christmas desserts

International Christmas Desserts

Satisfy your sweet tooth with amazing international dessert recipes.
11. Cranachan Scotland
This traditional and elegant looking Scottish dessert of oats, cream, whiskey (), and raspberries is a delicious alternative to trifle and a great way to impress your guests. The fact that it includes whiskey makes things a little weird but lets be honest, this shouldnt be shocking since its Scotland were talking about here.
12. Rocky Road Dessert Australia
Rocky Road is an Australian dessert made with milk chocolate and marshmallow and is usually served in individual portions such as a cupcake or brownie. The dessert has become increasingly popular in the US where it is usually served with ice cream.
13. Chocolate Guinness Cake Ireland
Irish people have their own way of celebrating St. Patricks Day and Christmas and naturally alcohol could never be absent from an Irish party, not even when it comes to dessert. When all is said and done, chocolate and beer dont taste as good together in any other form as they do in this cake.
14. Tres Leches Cake Mexico
Tres Leches cake gets its name, which means three milks cake, from being soaked in three different types of milk. Even though Mexico is widely known for its heavy but delicious cuisine, Tres Leches cake is one of the lightest and least harmful (in terms of calories) desserts and is ideal even for those on a diet.
15. Devils Food Cake USA
Devils Food is a cake made with dark chocolate and gets its name because it is supposedly so rich and delicious that it must be somewhat sinful, although the association is clearly humorous. The only sure thing is that if you have it once you will want to have it again and again.
16. Dobostorta Hungary
Dobosh Torte, also known as drum torte, is a rich Hungarian sponge cake consisting of seven layers filled with rich chocolate buttercream and topped with caramel. It was invented by and named after Hungarian pastry chef Jozsef C. Dobos in 1884. Since then it has seduced everyone who has been lucky enough to taste it.
17. Brazo de Gitano Spain
When literally translated Brazo de Gitano means gypsys arm, and is the Spanish name for a Swiss roll. Strangely, the Swiss roll was not designed either in Spain or Switzerland and is most likely to have been found somewhere in central Europe. However, this dessert has become an interesting homemade staple in Spain, and one that is commonly found at family meals and celebrations such as Christmas.
18. Buche de Noel Belgium France
B che de No l is the French name for a Christmas cake shaped like a log. It is a heavenly flourless chocolate cake rolled with chocolate whipped cream. Traditionally, B che de No l is decorated with confectioners sugar to resemble snow on a yule log.
19. Melomakarona Greece
These small honey cookies (which you can never eat just one of) are the most popular treats throughout Greece during the Christmas holidays and their intense homely smell makes every house smell like Christmas. Unfortunately, the only bad thing is that bakeries usually make them only during Christmas and for the rest of the year they are not easy to find. The Melomakarona covered with milk chocolate are by far the best.
20. Profiterole France
Profiterole is arguably one of the best desserts in the world with millions of hard core fans around the globe. This French dessert consists of several choux pastry balls filled with whipped cream or pastry cream and showered with lots of hot or cold milk chocolate that wont fail to add hundreds of calories to your standard diet.