Innovative Products Ideas
Innovative Products Ideas
41. Automatic blade swinging ceiling fan for easy cleaning
When switched off the blades loop downwards so that they can be cleaned and when switched on they become horizontal as in other ceiling fans. Atheerth likes to work on a number of electronic projects and helps his friends with their science projects. He likes to work with electronic components like resistors, transistors, capacitors etc.. He plays cricket and badminton, and wants to become a scientist.
42. Oxygen carbon dioxide level indicators in car
System to detect levels of oxygen/ carbon dioxide in the closed car and open windows when oxygen level drops or carbon dioxide level rises, thereby preventing accidental deaths of children or pets locked inside the car. All the students thought about this idea
after reading/ hearing news about accidental deaths in cars due to suffocation. Valava, who plays football, has interest in junk art i.e. making useful items from waste and wants to become an entrepreneur so that he can give job to others.
Pratyush plays basketball and computer games. He also reads story books, paints and plays keyboard. He wants to become an IAS officer. Bikash, who also plays basketball, believes that he has the capacity to break a bigger problem into small ones and then solve them. He also aspires to be an IAS officer and feels that,
43. New design of serving tray
Serving tray with a release mechanism to put cup/ glass on the table along with a coaster without touching it. Once while serving tea to a guest, Alok spilled over hot tea over him resulting in some burns to his hands and stains on his cloth and the sofa. After this incident he started thinking how such a problem could be avoided and came up with this idea to make serving easy and
44. Low cost Braille printer
A dot matrix printer modified at a low cost to work as a Braille printer. Both the friends once visited a blind school for a school project where they saw much of the printing work done in a time consuming manual manner. Challenged by a teacher there they came up with their own Braille printer using a dot matrix printer. Khushwant likes to play cricket and chess. He also enjoys surfing the net and making electronic gadgets like electronic stethoscope, water level indicators, LED displays etc. He wants to become an astronaut and undertake space exploration. Santokh likes learning new things.
45. Electronic purse with paired watch
Password protected purse and an electronically paired watch, which alerts if user gets away from these or someone steals the purse. Phamnya is the first student winner from Nagaland and comes from a rural area. She thought about the idea after hearing many stories of theft and when one of her own friend lost his purse to pickpockets. Idolising Mahatma Gandhi, she likes reading story books and occasionally writes stories. She wants to become a doctor and serve the people.
46. Step lock system in bus
Mechanism, which would not allow the bus to move if people are standing on its stairs, thereby preventing accidents. A often observed problem in our country unfortunately. Santhosh thought about this idea while commuting from his village to his school. He finds physics quite easy and wants to pursue aeronautical engineering and take up space research. Nivashini likes reading story books and wants to become a doctor. Rajasekar likes outdoor sports, participates in NCC and would like to become an IPS officer while Rathna, who also likes reading books wants to become a teacher.
47. Indicator for dead landline phones
Light/ sound alert that informs user when the landline phone becomes
48. Hilly terrain cart
Three equidistant wheels on a single axle attached to two similar sets in different planes, allowing flexibility in movement with respect to each other. Noting the difficulty people in mountainous regions face in transporting goods, in Vidya tried to modify the design of traditional hill cart.
49. Mobile phone with inbuilt charger
A wearable device that alerts if user falls suddenly; useful for old people, and those suffering from fits, convulsions, seizures etc. This will help keep an electronic eye (if integrated with mobile) on one s loved ones to track if they were okay or not. The idea struck Soumya Ranjan when one of his friends getting an epileptic attack and fell down. He wondered, what if she wasn t around ? He likes to play cricket and wants to become a mechanical engineer.
50. Posture correcting chair
A chair with sensors at appropriate places, which alerts the user sitting in a wrong posture. Both conceived this idea independently after being regularly scolded by their mothers for using a bad posture. Little Kulsoom thought that while it may not be possible to be reminded again and again by someone for not sitting properly, this task can be done by the chair itself. She likes gardening, arts and crafts, writing stories and poems. Infact she plans to get her own book published soon and grow up to become an entrepreneur selling hi tech machines in an automated shop.
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