ideas to improve your life

Ideas to Improve your Life

Simple tips that will reduce interruption and increase your productivity.
51. Keep developing yourself
Equip yourself with a huge breadth of knowledge. Learn different skills, pick up different hobbies, study different fields.
52. Keep upgrading yourself
Equip yourself with a huge depth of knowledge. While you can usually only level up to 99 in video games, in real life you can level up to infinity. Go for further studies if need be. Develop your skills. Level up. Build your 10,000 hours in each skill.
53. Try new things
Whats something youd normally not do? Get out of your comfort zone try something different. It can be something simple like taking a new bus route, trying a new food item, picking up a new hobby, or something bigger like studying a different field, picking a new skill, traveling to a country youll never visit, etc. You set your own limits.
54. Get yourself out there
This applies for everything. a Get out there geographically. Go out, travel and explore the world. Set sail into the sea. Go backpacking by yourself and visit as many countries as possible. Get on a road trip and visit the different places that come out. B Get out there situationally. Stop sticking to routines and comfort zones. Try something different. c Get out there in life. Stop watching TV and living vicariously through the TV characters. Go and live the life of your dreams.
55. Be the absolute best in what you do
Go for the 1 position in what you do. If you want to spend your time doing something, you might as well be the best in it. Strive for the best you dont deserve anything lesser than that.
56. Dont settle
In the same lines as #58, dont settle for less. Dont settle for someone you dont like as your partner. Dont settle for a job you dont like #25 . Dont settle for friends who make you feel like a lesser person #37 . Dont settle for a weight you are unhappy with. Go for what you really want.
57. Stretch yourself
What are you doing now? How can you achieve more? Set bigger goals. Explore your limits and break them.
58. Embrace new ideas
Dont mentally limit yourself; Let your mind be a breeding ground for new ideas. Read 25 Brainstorming Techniques.
59. Create your inspirational haven
Turn your room into a place you love. Do the same for your work desk. Get rid of things that make you unproductive. Surround it with things that inspire you and trigger you to action.
60. Behave as your ideal self will
All of us have an ideal vision of who we want to be. How is your ideal self like? How can you start to be that ideal self now?