ice cream flavors

Ice Cream Flavors

Enjoy 101 ice cream in all our flavors, some with half the fat of regular ice cream.
21. Oyster Ice Cream
Giving an entirely new meaning to Pearl of the Orient, Oyster Ice Cream can be eaten at any time, even if theres an R in the month. Oysters have a reputation for providing prowess, but whoever thought of this ice cream should have made like its ingredients and stayed in the shell.
22. Abalone Ice Cream
About the only thing fishier than the taste of Abalone Ice Cream is the business sense of whoever decided to put it on the market. Abalone is certainly a delicious addition to many aspects of Japanese cuisine, but when it comes to ice cream, perhaps abalone would have been better left at the bottom of the ocean.
23. Seaweed Ice Cream
If marine animals arent your cup of ice cream, perhaps a healthy alternative of seaweed is preferable? Seaweed is packed with minerals, some of which are medicinal, which probably goes a long way in explaining the taste.
24. Deep Sea Water Ice Cream
Brine may well rhyme with fine and shine, but this flavor offering the salt of the sea does neither. Imagine drinking some milk at the beach precisely the moment you cop a mouthful of water after a huge wave dumps on you and youve got something like this extraordinary taste.
25. Spinach Ice Cream
No longer will frustrated parents have to urge their children to eat their greens if they want to have dessert. Now, Spinach Ice Cream will let kids kill two birds with one stone by eating their veggies and ice cream at the same time.
26. Garlic Ice Cream
At last! An ice cream that lets everybody around you know youve eaten it!Garlic flavored Dracula Ice Creamis a summer delight you can really sink your teeth into. Designed to ward off vampires, this uncommon choice of flavoring may ward off a few ice cream lovers, too. Garlic may well be a wonderful condiment for an assortment of foods, but, as for a substance vampires really hate, this is bloody awful. Incidentally, Garlic Ice Cream was made in the tiny Aomori Prefecture village of Shingo, which claims to be the place where Jesus Christs grave is located.
27. Sesame Soybean and Dried Kelp Ice Cream
This is a real winner, and about as healthy as you can get with ice cream, by combining three staples of the traditional Japanese diet that have made people into the longest living on earth.
28. Lettuce and Potato Ice Cream
Lettuce Ice Cream? With Potato? Rarely the best of partners even in dishes such as salads where they at least complement one another, Lettuce and Potato Ice Cream is a leafy spud dud.
29. Wheat Ice Cream
Perhaps it would have been a better idea not to separate the chaff. Like buckwheat noodles and wheat tea, this ice cream is a tasty treat even if it doesnt sound as though itll wheat, oops, make that whet, the appetite.
30. Curdled Bean Ice Cream
One of Japans most repulsive foods fermented beans that form a paste that looks like slime from a cheap Hollywood horror flick, with an odor akin to dirty socks this was a natural choice for a unique ice cream flavor. Being such an appealing morsel, natto is bound to be healthy, but using it in artery clogging ice cream relieves it of even that virtue.