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Drive a hybrid car

Help Save the Environment


Drive a hybrid car

If you have been looking for a new vehicle, consider buying a hybrid car. These kinds of cars, which run on both gasoline and electric motors, are rapidly becoming more popular and available in different models.They not only give off less emissions into the air, but they also can save you money with fewer trips to the gas station.You may also be able to get a tax credit on your federal taxes during the tax year that you bought a hybrid car.


Maintain your car
Live near work school and other frequent destinations if possible
Install window treatments that maximize energy conservation
Take mass transit
Contact your government officials
Be a mindful consumer
Dont use electronic exercise machines
Install insulation in your attic and exterior walls
Close the heating and air conditioning vents in your home
Dont waste food
Stop your junk mail from coming
Use a warm blanket or sweater in winter
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