Healthy Cheek
21. Facial massage
Try facial massage to make your cheeks blush. Massage your cheeks with fingertips. This will help to improve blood circulation in your face and will give your cheeks a natural blush.
22. Soft cheeks
Lack of moisture makes the skin dry and dull. Therefore the skin needs to be nourished and moisturized in proper manner. Never use harsh soaps for face. Use a good face wash or cleanser to clean the face. After wash or bath, apply moisturizer on the cheeks to hydrate them. It is necessary to massage a little in circular movements so that the lotion or cream gets absorbed under the skin. This has to be done twice in a day. And please make sure whatever product you use is of your skin type. Or use few drops of olive oil and massage.You can also apply a mixture of glycerin and rose water overnight to provide extra nourishment. Especially in cold temperatures, it is a good way to ward off dry skin.
23. Bright cheeks
The day to day stress and exposure to sun and pollution make cheeks dull. Use a good sunscreen to get protection from sun rays. It will prevent appearance of patchy or tanned skin on the cheeks. Secondly, use a scrub gently to exfoliate the skin. This will remove the dead skin layer and impurities from the skin. Alternatively, use salt for exfoliation and see the benefits yourself.For bright cheeks use milk cream, honey or yoghurt in faces packs. This will make the cheeks softer and brighter. Use of lemon as skin cleaner is a good option as it will naturally lighten the skin tone. The use of seasonal fruits in the face mask or as face cleanser is again beneficial for the skin.
24. Clear cheeks
Sometimes the skin of cheeks is prone to acne. Do not pinch or touch pimples on your cheeks. This will make the skin worse. In case of severe acne, pigmentation or any other skin disease use some topical cream or treatment after the advice of a qualified doctor.To keep blackheads or white heads away, daily wash it twice so that dirt and oil do not accumulate on the skin. As said before, exfoliate the face once or twice a week to make the skin clear. To get rid of acne and acne marks, apply paste of sandalwood and rosewater and get clear bright skin. This recipe is also helpful to soothe the sunburn problem.
25. Healthy cheeks
Healthy cheeks reflect ones inner health. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and complete diet schedule so as to make the skin beautiful. Drink water at least 2 liters to remove toxins from the body. It will take care of skin problems, if any. And also eat leafy vegetables and lots of seasonal fruits to get natural glow on the skin.Cheek exercises are a good way to keep your cheeks healthy. Fill air in your cheeks for some time and then release. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times. The cheeks would appear fuller and young. Another exercise is to laugh a lot. That will keep away stress from your lovely face and make it even more beautiful.
26. To get a healthy blush
You dont always have to lift a same demeanour each day; we can try opposite looks with blushes. If we wish to grasp intense healthy cheeks, we should select a cream heat instead of your powder blush. The best approach to request a cream heat is with your fingers or with a assistance of a stippling brush. When regulating your fingers, always remember to sanitize them to equivocate any bacterial infections.
Start by selecting a cream heat that complements your skin tone. Apply it on a apples of your cheeks and mix it upwards initial and then, mix it kindly opposite a cheek. However, we contingency remember not to move it tighten to your nose area; leave during slightest dual finger gaps from a nose area. Blending regulating a fingertips is a many effective approach to grasp a pretty, healthy flush.
27. To get a Sculpted Face
Get those sculpted and tangible cheekbones in obtuse than 5 mins though medicine or operative out in a gym for hours. If we would adore to get a sculpted face, request your heat accurately on a line of a cheekbones and afterwards mix it upwards swiftly. Remember, we dont wish any pointy lines on a cheeks. Blending is a pivotal to this look. we would suggest we to go for warmer colours to supplement dimension to your face. To grasp low cheekbones instantly, always use a heat or a bronzer dual tones darker than your skin tone. The outcome will be a pleasing carried face. Avoid shimmery blushes for this look.
28. To get a Dewy Face
Start by requesting a good substructure and afterwards ensue to request cream blush. Blend it kindly into a apples of your cheeks. Now, to supplement that pleasing dewy glow, request glass highlighter over a cream heat on a high points of your face. The glass highlighter will simulate light and explain healthy heat to your cheeks.
29. Cheek makeup for a day and night
During a day, use your heat with a really light hand. Use pointed heat colors that will give we a diffused look. Daylight creates complicated makeup demeanour some more assumed and plastic. At night, we could stone deeper and thespian shades to emanate pleasing and alluring effects. Try shimmery blushes and glass highlighters for a night look; it plays a good purpose in formulating a pleasing apparition of healthy and intense cheeks.
30. Avoid blotchy impertinence makeup
Always request powder and cream blushes on a good base. You can go for substructure or try a light BB cream as a base. If we request heat though requesting substructure or during slightest a environment powder, a oils in your skin will make it seem blotchy and a tinge will demeanour unflattering on your face.
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