hanuman chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa

1. Hanuman 1
Jay Hanumaan Gyaan Gunn Saagar |
Jai Kapiis Tihu-Lok Ujaagar ||

Hanuman, the ocean of knowledge and talent, we honour you. O monkey God you spread light in three worlds with your glorious deeds
2. Hanuman 2
Raama-Dut Atulit Bala-Dhaamaa |
Anjani-Putra Pavan-Sut Naamaa ||

You are the messenger of Shri Ram, O son of Anjani and Pavan you are the epitome of infinite strength and justly called ‘Pavan sut'
3. Hanuman 3
Mahaa-biir Bikrama Bajarangii |
Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangii ||

Hanuman, you have limbs as strong as the mace of Lord Indra, your wisdom and good sense eradicates all the darkness of evil thoughts.
4. Hanuman 4
Kancan Barann Biraaj Subeshaa |
Kaanan Kunddala Kuncita Keshaa ||

Hanuman, you have a golden skin and your dress suits you well. You wear ear-rings and have beautiful, curly and shiny hair.
5. Hanuman 5
Haath Bajra Au Dhvajaa Biraajai |
Kaandhe Muuj Janeuu Saajai ||

You carry a lightning bolt and a victory flag and wear the sacred thread called janehu on your shoulder.
6. Hanuman 6
Shankar-Suvan Kesharii-Nandan |
Teja Prataap Mahaa Jag-Vandan ||

You are a descendant of Lord Shankar or Shiva and your inner light illuminates the whole universe. That's why people worship you.
7. Hanuman 7
Vidyaavaan Gunnii Ati Caatur |
Raam Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur ||

Hanuman, you are full of full of good qualities, wisdom and talent, You are always ready to carry out any duty assigned by Lord Ram
8. Hanuman 8
Prabhu Caritra Sunibe Ko Rasiyaa |
Raamalassann Siitaa Man Basiyaa ||

You are always eager to listen to the stories of Ram, relishing very detail. That's why you have a special place in the hearts of Ram, and Lakshman and Sita.
9. Hanuman 9
Suukssma Ruupadhari Siyahi Dikhaavaa |
Vikatt Ruup Dhari Lamka Jaraavaa ||

Hanuman you are a magician. You can become a small monkey in front of Sita, but assumed a huge form to burn Lanka.
10. Hanuman 10
Bhiim Ruup Dhari Asur Samhaare |
Raamacandra Ke Kaaj Samvaare ||

You destroyed the demons by using your over-whelming might and carried out the tasks given by Lord Ram with ease.