funny things to do this winter

Funny Things To Do This Winter

The weather outside may be frightful, but we've come up with a list of fun activities.
1. Build a snowman
One of the winter classics, building a snowman takes just some packable snow and a few accessories usually available in your home.
2. Build an igloo
If the snow load was generous enough, you can also try to build an igloo. Use a plastic bin to form your snow bricks and stack the blocks one upon another around a circle plan. Dont forget to leave an opening for the entrance.
3. Have a snowball fight
Another popular winter activity, snowball fights are always fun to have. Just make sure its not too hard (snowballs can hurt).
4. Go sledding
If there is a snowcovered hill in your neighborhood, you can enjoy all possible and impossible types of downhill fun. If you dont have a sled, use a tough plastic bag.
5. Make a snow angel
Find a patch of deep fresh snow, lay down on it and imprint your body parts on the snow while moving your straight arms back and forth.
6. Go sliding
Find a frozen pond, remove the upper snow layer, polish it with a piece of cloth and enjoy some nice sliding. If the ice is really smooth, you can travel impressive distances just on the soles of your boots.
7. Go feed the birds
By feeding the birds during the winter season, you can kill two birds with one stone (pun unintended). First, you get the little hungry guys some food which will help them survive the winter and second, watching the birds being fed will keep your kids entertained.
8. Make a hole in ice for fish to breathe
Go to a frozen lake or pond and drill a hole in the ice for the fish to breathe.
9. Build a winter bonfire
A bonfire in winter can help create a romantic winter atmosphere while keeping everybody warm. Its also the perfect opportunity for smores
10. Attend a dog sled race
If you live in a region where dogsled races are held, make sure to attend one. Watching the shaggy dogs dashing across a snowblanketed landscape is an amazing experience.