friendship day

Friendship Day

Friendship day is a day on which we celebrate the most important relationship in our life .
11. How to attract true Friendship
Be a friend. There is an old saying that holds true even through today troubled times If you want a friend, be a friend.

Be yourself. Everyone is unique, so dress how you want to. Avoid the peer pressure, cookiecutter personality profile. Don try to fit in, be proud of your individuality. Then, go out and do things with people you meet, whether they be existing or new friends, and go and enjoy yourself. Be noticed for being yourself.

Be respectful, smile, and do something that will get you noticed. Help others out if they need it.

Be nice to others and to new friends you meet, to people you meet. If you are in school and are working with someone that is unpopular, be nice and listen to what they want to say.

Be modest. No one likes a showoff, especially if they do it all the time. If you want to brag about something, don prolong it, and do it tastefully.

Be Outgoing. There nothing wrong with being shy. But lighten up a little. Itll be hard to attract friends if youre antisocial. Talk to new people. Meet the new kid in school. Introduce yourself to the person who sits behind you in math class. More people will want to be around you.

12. The impact of Friendship
Have you ever met someone or some people that you just connected with right away I am not talking about Soul Mates.just normal, regular human beings that made quite an impression on you. Those people that are just THEMSELVES without having to try so hard to BE someone theyare not. The GENUINE people.! Am I rambling. Probably, but thisis not the first time I have done that!So here is the reason for this particular article about these Genuinely Attractive people. Now, I am not using the word attractive in reference to their looks, although they are beautiful people in that sense as well, but that not WHY I am attracted to them. I have seen their spirits within through their words only since I have never met any of them in person. They have still made quite an impression on my spirit and life and I am amazed at their different talents.
13. A good friend poem
A good friend is someone
who cares about you
they are someone who will be
there when youre down

A good friend is someone
who willing to help you
when you are in a little trouble
that hard to get out

A good friend is someone
who you can talk to
and trust with your problems
in not telling anyone else

A good friend is someone
who will come and stop
you from taking your life
and sit down to show you
all of the good things
to live for

That What A Good Friend Is

14. Friendship Poems
Best Friends Poem
A number of adjectives such as best, close, intimate, special, trusted are used to describe the depth of friendship. Although friends are classified into such categories, the underlying meaning for the relation shared with each of them would remain the same. Friends laugh in each other happiness, cry when one is hurt, offer help without thinking twice and thank the Almighty that they found each other.

Broken Friendship Poem
Broken friendships would create void in your mind, when you experience the agony of parting your friends, who remained a significant part of your life. In fact, the pain of going through a broken friendship is unbearable. The world seems to be ending and you seem completely helpless, with no one to turn to. When a friendship breaks, it really hurts.

Funny Friendship Poems
Friendship is a multifaceted relationship, comprising of different kinds of emotions. At one instance, when you share an emotional bond with your pals, you would also enjoy lighter moments with them, which are cherished for the lifetime. Based on the fun element of friendship, many poets have dedicated poems to their favorite pals, in which, they have conveyed their heartfelt feelings in a humorous way.

Short Friendship Poem
The unique bond shared by friends is something beyond comparison. True friends cherish the beautiful relationship for the lifetime. Being with friends is a lot of fun. Friendship Day is dedicated to the relationship. It commemorates the strength of the bond shared by friends. The day is an excellent opportunity for friends to spend time with each other and enjoy the day to the fullest.

Sorry Friendship Poem
Like any other relation, friendship also has ups and downs. True friends would have similar thoughts and argue for dissimilarities as well.Misunderstandings may also creep in. Sometimes you hurt a friend unintentionally and then regret it. You want to say orry, but hesitate to do so.

Thank You Friend Poem
Friendship Day is a general festival of India, dedicated to friends and the strong bond that they share with each other. It is a day, when people spend quality time with their pals by hanging out with them. Gifts, greeting cards and flowers are exchanged between them, to show their heartfelt feelings for each other and extend their sincere gratitude for being a prominent part of life.

15. Friendship Cards
Friendship ECard
Sending wishes to your beloved friend, on the glorious occasion of Friendship Day, is just the matter of a mouse click. With the increase in the competition, more and more websites are coming up with a wide variety of ecards. This has provided the netizens across the globe to connect to their friends very easily, without spending anything, except for the internet connection. Ecards are now easily available in the internet and can be personalized and sent to your friend, no matter where heshe is residing in. In fact, sending ecards has become a customary, so it is common to see people accessing internet to get their hands on ecards suitable for their pals, on Friendship Day.
Handmade Friendship Card
A handmade friendship greeting card has much more sentimental value than the one purchased from the market. Giving your friend a handmade card as a symbol of your undying friendship is something that will be cherished by himher forever. Friendship greeting cards are very easy to make. You don have to be an expert to make one yourself! Whether it looks good or not won bother your friend, as long as you have put in efforts and heartfelt feelings to make it. It is worth every effort you put in and it will be paid off, when you see your friend smile happily! We bring you simple tips on how to make homemade card for a friend.
16. Friendship Day Gifts
Friendship Books
Books are any day an ideal gift for Friendship Day. If you have a friend who loves to read, then you shouldn really be worried about what to present that friend! Books can be great gifts for Friendship Day, since they are usually treasured for a long time and a true book lover will include your gift amongst the priceless collection rack.The book need not be very expensive or glittery.

Friendship Cake
One of the best gifts to give your friend on Friendship Day is a lip smacking cake. There are many easytomake cake recipes, which can be made by anyone, without taking much efforts. We bring you one such Friendship Day cake recipe recepie. Rather than getting one from the bakery, making a cake yourself for your best pal is definitely more special. It is definite that your friend will have a broad smile on hisher face and will brag about your long lasting friendship all life long.

Friendship Jewelry
Friendship day is the best occasion to present gifts to your pals. When it comes to presents, jewelry is one of the most treasured and thoughtful gifts that you can give to your friends. They are a symbol of undying friendship and make the bond grow stronger.You may choose a jewelry gift according to your budget, style and taste. There are many types of jewelry to choose from, to present to your friend.

Friendship Day Letters
One of the most thoughtful gestures of friendship is a hand written, heartfelt letter. Letters for your friends are priceless treasures that heshe would cherish for many years to come. They can be the ultimate gift to bestow upon your dearest friend, on Friendship Day. You may complement the letter with a bouquet and a box of chocolates, to make the present even more special. You can pen down your innermost thoughts for your friend in a letter and be sure that heshe is surely going to like it. Your letter need not be polished and a literary piece.

17. Friendship Day Party
Friends add color to our lives and make it meaningful. Anyone would find himher incomplete without having a good circle of friends or at least one or two individuals as dependable pals. Friendship Day honors the strong bond shared by friends. It is one of the wonderful occasions of the year, wherein friends celebrate their strong bond, with fun and fervor. Over the years, partying has become a trend for celebrating almost all kinds of festivals and Friendship Day is no exception. Certain things need to be considered, when it comes to planning any kind of party, including the one organized to celebrate Friendship Day. These include venue, invitation, decorations, food, gamesactivities and favors.
Advanced bookings should be done for the venue of Friendship Day party, to avoid any kind of compromise on space. Date and time should also fixed well in advance, so that no one in your friend circle misses out the reunion. While choosing the decorations for the party venue, consider the availability of space and, of course, your budget. Plan the party menu according to the general preferences of your guests. Over the passing years, it has become a customary to purchase party favors for almost every kind of party.
18. Friendship Day Decoration
Friendship Day is the perfect occasion to let loose all the tensions and party all the night, with friends. If you are planning a party, then you would want to make it as attractive as possible. Out of the criteria for planning a party, decorations remain prominent. This is largely because if the decorative items are subtracted from the venue, the party would look to dull and boring and would be not enjoyed by all.
19. Friendship Day Party Favor
The custom of presenting favors to the guests of Friendship Day party has become a hot trend. This is largely because most of the Friendship Day parties are reunions. Therefore, people hosting the party would make it a point to purchase a souvenir for their guests, so that even when lost touch, they would remember the party and the person as well as treasure the gift for a long time.
20. Friendship Day Party Food
Friendship Day is dedicated to commemorate the divine relationship shared by friends. To enjoy the day to the fullest, many people arrange enthralling parties. They would make it a point that their party guests (their beloved friends) are entertained and that the occasion remains memorable for a long time.