forever young naturally eating

Forever Young Naturally Eating

201. Green Essentials Instant faucet cleaner
To make stainless-steel features sparkle, wipe over with a paste made from half and half bicarbonate of soda and water. Wipe with a cloth.
202. Green Essentials Floor cleaner
Replace antibacterial floor cleaners with this water-based rinse. For stubborn stains, scrub first with natural liquid soap.
  • 1 bucket very hot water
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 8 drops essential oil of tea tree
    Combine the water and vinegar in a mop bucket. Add the essential oil. Mop the floor, squeeze out the mop, and repeat.
  • 203. Green Essentials Miracle cloths
    To avoid using detergent to erase grease and dirt, try a miracle microfiber cloth. Simply dampen and scrub.
    204. Green Essentials Ban fresheners
    Studies show air inside the home is two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Don’t add to it with artificial fragrances, especially those in block fragrances (they may contain camphor, linked with disorders of the nervous system). Avoid also aerosol air fresheners, which propel VOCs (volatile organic compounds that are linked with neurological problems and depression) into the lungs, especially in steamy conditions.
    205. Green Essentials Natural odor eaters
    Leave half a lemon in the kitchen or fridge to absorb ugly odors or rub a cut lemon over chopping boards and kitchen surfaces.
    206. Green Essentials Air deodorizer
    Place 4 drops of essential oil of citrus or lemongrass in the water bowl of a room vaporizer and light the candle or turn it on.
    207. Green Essentials Kitchen spritzer
    Add 8 drops essential oil of basil or geranium to water in a pump spray. Spritz into the air to disguise cooking smells, avoiding eyes and nose.
    208. Green Essentials Grow tulips
    Plant up tulip bulbs in the fall to flower indoors in spring. They digest and neutralize xylene, ammonia, and formaldehyde found in kitchen cleaning products. Or nurture a spider plant (Chlorophytum elatum), which thrives on carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.
    209. Green Essentials Alternatives to plastic wrap
    Avoid using plastic wrap, which may contain the plasticizing additive bisphenol-A, an estrogen-mimicking chemical. Be especially wary of wrapping foods that are fatty, acidic, or laced with alcohol in plastic: the food may absorb suspected hormone-disrupting and carcinogenic ingredients from the plastic. Fatty foods include dairy, meat, pastries, and moist or iced cakes. Cover food with paper (not recycled paper towels, which can contain flecks of metal). Don’t reuse packaging from one type of food for another: manufacturers only need to ensure the packaging is safe for the food it is sold with. Instead wrap sandwiches and snacks in foil or wax paper.
    210. Green Essentials Safe storage
    For refrigerator storage choose glass or ceramic containers with lids rather than plastic. Always avoid plastics with the recycling triangle marks 3, 6, or 7 (including bags) for food and drink storage.