enjoy christmas day

Enjoy Christmas Day

Enjoy Christmas Day
11. Get festive
Create the atmosphere and mood by giving out Christmas cards to your friends, getting a tree (find a good place for it where it s not in the way too much) and have fun decorating it.
12. When it is Christmas eve lay out your stocking and dont go to bed too late
Feeling cranky and tired can wear you out quickly,and you certainly don t want that on Christmas day When it s morning, go into your living room and have fun opening the stocking Say thank you for everything, even if your parents insist they all came from Santa and enjoy them.
13. Enjoy the food
The classic roast dinner and Christmas pudding is fantastic,and even have crackers available Enjoy your delicious meal,as it is likely it took ages to make and prepare.
14. Presents
Give your presents one at a time, and see how pleased your family members are with them When you get yours,remember to say thank you for all of them, even ones you don t like them greatly (though you are most definitely going to get ones you love) Admire them and talk about them too. You ll feel really happy.
15. As it is Christmas you could take this opportunity to stay up late
Have fun and a very Merry Christmas.
16. Re evaluate your gift list
Make this the year you have that conversation with friends and relatives. Think about who you gift to, and why. Martin Lewis, the moneysaving expert wrote a great piece about this a few years ago.
17. Have a homemade Christmas
Tell your family and friends what you are doing. They might like to join you.
18. Have a swap evening with friends in the run up to Christmas
Ask everyone to have a sort out, and bring along anything they no longer want or need. You can then swap. This works really well with kids toys and books etc for stocking fillers.
19. Give your time
If you know people who have young kids, gift a baby sitting voucher if you have a friend who wants to learn to sew, or knit, offer to teach them in the New Year if you have an older relative with a large garden, gift them a couple of hours of gardening time.
20. Its all about warm feelings
You are creating memories for yourself and for those around you. Stay in the moment and don t dwell on past occasions, because this one coming up will be the best Christmas yet. I have said that every year.