Cutest and Pretty Dogs
I know,they are so cute that I am going to scream about their cuteness.
31. Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is a toy dog breed that resembles a tiny, energetic ball of fur. These little dogs have full, fluffy coats and a curled tail carried high over the back. Pomeranians come in a variety of colors and they are an active and playful breed.
32. Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier (aka Yorkie) is a small breed of dog known for its long, silky coat. These little dogs are popular as show dogs, but they are also well loved as lap dogs. Yorkshire Terriers can often be seen sporting little bows in their hair or wearing jeweled collars, begin carried around town by their adoring owners in a designer bag.
33. Cockapoo
One of the most popular designer dog breeds, the Cockapoo is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. These dogs are known for their curly coats and their outgoing, fun-loving personalities. Cockapoos love to play and they get along extremely well with children.
34. Morkie
This breed is a cross between the Yorkshire Terrier and the Maltese. These dogs are fairly small and typically have long, soft coats and pointed ears. The Morkie exhibits a combination of qualities from the parent breeds, though it is often playful and active with a strong love for family.
35. Cairn Terrier
These little terriers are one of the oldest terrier breeds, originating in Scotland as a working dog. What make these dogs so cute are their multicolored coats and their furry, bearded faces. Cairn Terriers come in blue, wheaten, red, gray, brindled and pink, all uniform in color from their wet black noses to the tip of their pointed tails.
36. Cane Corso
Originally from Italy, the Cane Corso is better known as the Italian Mastiff, and it is a type of dog breed that can easily get to 130 pounds. Well-muscled and extremely athletic, the Cane Corso is not the type of dog you can raise in a small apartment. He needs lots of space and exercise every single day. The breed is one of the smartest in the world, so you need to train him from a very early age toget him accustomed to kids and other domestic animals.
37. Bichon Frise
The name of the Bichon Frise meanscurly lap dog and the breed originated in the 13th century, in Spain, when sailors began transporting it from continent to continent. In the 16th century, the Bichon Frise finally became a favorite type of dogfor the French royal courts. The breed has a very distinct and refined appearance, yet his personality is anything but haughty. Very playful and cuddly, it is a trustworthy, fun partner to have around the house.
38. Chow Chow
Chow Chow is famous for his blue tongue and dense double coat. The dog breed is hands down one of the most beautiful in the world but it is also one of the most difficult to raise. Chow Chows are not excessively active, andthey need weekly grooming and periodic health check-ups. The breed demands a lot of attention, and although they fit perfectly in a medium-sized apartment, they still requiredaily exercise.
39. Lhasa apso
Small yet assertive, the Lhasa apso is a companion breed that was bred to protect its family. Good with all kinds of people and pets, it makes a great addition to any family. Fearless and devoted, the Lhasa apso is a pretty pup that enjoys a good pampering, requiring lots of grooming, and cuddle sessions at the end of a busy day.
40. Japanese chin
Another toy breed, the darlingJapanese chinalso falls into the category of a companion breed. Well-mannered, affectionate and extremely loyal, this dog believes its life goal is to be at the service of its owner. Beware, however, of these pooches jumping skills, as they can leap up great distances in just a single bound. A bit on the sensitive side, the Japanese chin does best with adults and feline siblings.
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