Coolest Hotels Ever
Coolest Hotels Ever
11. Magic Mountain
Located in the Huilo Huilo Reserve in Southern Chile, this hotel comes fully equipped with a waterfall that originates at the peak and when turned on full blast comes cascading down over the windows. If you get bored of watching water trickle however, you can go for a leisurely stroll through the jungle. But when that gets boring? Go Skiing. No joke, the slopes are right around the corner and they re open 365 days a year. Welcome to Chile.
12. Beckham Creek Cave Haven
Intended to fulfill your deepest longings for adventure, this mountain hotel built into the side of the Ozarks will certainly bring out your inner Grizzly. Whenever you get done hibernating though, make sure to check out the underground Jacuzzi. 500 acres of relaxation.
13. Burj Al Arab
With its world famous sail shape, the Burj Al Arab is so luxurious that some people mistakenly refer to it as a 7 star hotel (the maximum recognized rating is 5). But it s not only an icon for Dubai or the United Arab Emirates, it s also a testament to modern engineering. The world s fourth tallest hotel is built on a pile of reclaimed dirt 250 meters out into the ocean.
14. The Old Railway Station
These restored luxury rail cars are still busy providing a good nights sleep to their passengers near West Sussex, UK. If you ever happen to stop by the train yard though, make sure you dress for the occasion. When we say luxury rail cars, we mean luxury rail cars.
15. Dog Bark Park Inn
It s like a modern day Trojan Horse, except its a dog and its located in Idaho. At two stories, the world s largest beagle offers ample room to its guests along with plenty of surprises. See that fire hydrant in the corner? Thats where you do your business.
16. The Dream Cave
This interesting abode is situated within the town of Goreme, Turkey which is famous for its unusual rock formations. Apart from the natural beauty of the region it could be worth the trip just to be able to say you slept in a fairy chimney.
17. The Winvian Cottages
This farm was transformed into one of the worlds most amazing getaways when the owners decided to spontaneously host a design competition. Its no joke, if you ever get a chance to visit you will be greeted by 18 cottages, each decorated according to a different theme. Dibs on the helicopter.
18. Library Hotel
In a way that only a true nerd could fully appreciate, this New York City hotel associates each floor with one of the major categories in the Dewey Decimal System. It doesn t stop there though, each room is devoted to its own subtopic. It s a geek s dream come true, no pun intended.
19. De Vrouwe van Stavoren
Heres a riddle for you: what does a gang of dutchmen do with 4 oversized Swiss wine barrels? Answer: they do what every other Dutchman on this page does and convince people to sleep in them! In spite of being extremely spacious and clean, however, your first night you will gain a new appreciation (or lack thereof) for the smell of wine.
20. Capsule Inn
No, that is not a laundromat. It s Tokyo s version of a hotel and each pod comes fully equipped with a TV, radio, and alarm clock. Hey, when you ve got 125 million people crammed onto a bunch of skinny little islands you need to start getting creative.
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