Benefits of Pomegranates
81. Super fruit
pomegranate juice does not elevate blood sugar as other juices do. In studies, no significant negative effects (such as insulin resistance) were noted when diabetics drank the juice. A pomegranate is a fruit that is very rich in nutrients which makes it quite popular around the world. The fruit originated in areas of Northern India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, though it also grows in Peninsular Malaysia, Southeast Asia, California, Armenia, tropical Africa and others. This fruit has a very leathery texture on the outside that may be orangeyellow, red or purple.
82. Minerals
Pomegranate seeds supply 205 milligrams of potassium in every 1/2cup serving. That translates to 4 percent of the 4,700 milligrams you need each day to keep your heart and muscles working properly. Youll also get small amounts of iron from pomegranate seeds. Iron helps protect your immune system and ensures that you have plenty of oxygen circulating through your body. Pomegranate seeds also deliver trace amounts of calcium, magnesium and zinc.
83. Vitamins
A 1/2cup serving of pomegranate seeds supplies 14.3 micrograms of vitamin K, a nutrient that is essential for proper blood clotting and helps support the health of your skeleton. That amount is 16 percent of the 90 micrograms of vitamin K that women need on a daily basis and 12 percent of the 120 micrograms that men require each day. That same serving of seeds also contains 0.52 milligrams of vitamin E, which is about 3 percent of the 15 milligrams that adults need every day. Vitamin E can cut your risk of heart disease and cancer by helping protect your body from damage caused by environmental pollutants.
84. Tips and Considerations
You can cut a pomegranate open, separate the seeds from the white membranes which taste quite bitter and pop the seeds in your mouth just the way they are. The seeds also enhance the flavor and nutrition of many other recipes. Toss pomegranate seeds with olive oil and spices and pour the mixture over roasted Brussels sprouts, or scatter a few seeds over a tossed green salad. Combine chopped cilantro and pomegranate seeds and use the mixture as a tasty topping for grilled pork chops or roasted chicken breasts. Stir the seeds into lowfat yogurt as another way to add them to your diet.
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