benefits of kiwi fruits

Benefits of Kiwi Fruits

81. Muscle cramps
The richness in minerals such as magnesium and potassium, help alleviate muscle fatigue, prevent muscle cramps and improve muscle strength. The benefits of kiwi during pregnancy do not end here. Apart from the folates, which are essential for the growth and development of the baby, kiwi fruits also have a good amount of fiber that can help prevent constipation and heartburn in pregnancy. One of the kiwi fruit benefits for a pregnant woman is that it helps keep hemorrhoids at bay. When you eat a healthy amount of fiber, you can also avoid hemorrhoids as well as other digestive discomforts that are so common during pregnancy.
82. Mental fatigue
The high magnesium content in kiwifruit enhances energy production within the brain, thereby increasing concentration and relieving mental fatigue. kiwi fruit nutritional data and kiwi fruit nutritional value cannot be doubted, the truth is that there are many who are allergic to kiwi fruit. Thus, while there are no nutritional side effects to the fruit, if someone suffers from an allergy from kiwi fruit, consuming the fruit can be potentially fatal.
83. Pregnancy
Drinking kiwifruit juice during pregnancy can help prevent nightly muscle cramps, improve the microcirculation in legs (thereby preventing varicose veins and relieving edema in legs), prevent calcium deficiencies and constipation. In addition, the high content in folate of kiwifruit juice is helpful in preventing the occurrence of neural defects in babies.
84. Stomach ulcer
Consuming vitamin C rich foods helps to lower the incidence of peptic ulcers and in turn, reduce the risk of stomach cancer.Which little fruit has more vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana? If you said a kiwi, you guessed correctly. The plentiful vitamins and minerals in a serving of kiwi support overall good health and may also help treat specific conditions such as asthma and agerelated macular degeneration. In addition, the tiny, black, edible seeds are chock full of nutrients.
85. Kiwi Seeds
Less than 3 percent of the weight of a kiwi is in its tiny seeds. Like those of other berries, the seeds of the kiwi store nutrients for the plant's cultivation, growth and survival, and as such are nutrientdense. Although you discard the seeds and pits of tree fruits such as apples, oranges, cherries and plums, you can eat the seeds of kiwi. In addition, the oil extracted from kiwi seeds is richer than flaxseed in alphalinolenic acid, an omega3 fatty acid that promotes heart and brain health and helps regulate cholesterol. You can consume kiwi seed oil as a supplement. Because it is rich in vitamin A, this oil is sometimes a component in beauty products for skin and hair.
86. Considerations
Although kiwi packs a nutritional punch, some people are allergic to it. Allergic reactions seem to be strongest in young children. Symptoms vary in severity, from mild oral irritation to hives to anaphylactic shock. Allergic response may be due to an enzyme in kiwi called actinidin.
87. Season
Kiwi fruits are available on the market from April through December, but are most abundant from June to October. The taste of kiwi fruits is similar to a mixture of bananas, pineapples and strawberries, and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Not only is its flavor rich and tasty, the kiwi fruit also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Omega3 fatty acid, AlfaLinoleic acids and more.
88. Fruit Description
Kiwifruit is an oval, brown egg size, hairy skin fruit; on the inside its bright green flesh is sprinkled with a ring of small, black edible seeds. It has a distinctive, somewhat tart flavor with overtones of fruit berries. Ripe kiwis are eaten raw; even the skin can be consumed if it is defuzzed.
89. Wash Properly before Eating
However, you should always remember to wash your kiwi fruit thoroughly before eating it. While raw kiwi fruit peel is edible and contains all these beneficial substances, it may also contain almost, if not all, pesticides used by the farmers in producing your fruit. And even if your kiwi fruit is grown organically, inedible debris like dust particles may have accumulated on the skin and thus necessitates washing.
90. Allergic Reactions
Some people are allergic to kiwi fruit and experience an itching in their mouths, lips and palate shortly after eating one. This is a mild reaction common among adults. However, young children can have a very severe reaction that may include heartburn, rashes, difficulty in breathing or more. The acnitidane in the kiwi fruit, which is also found in bananas, papayas, pineapples and latex, cause this allergic reaction.