awesome mental health resources

Awesome Mental Health Resources

Keep this list of mental health resources handy whenever you need some backup.
61. Narcotics Anonymous
Designed for drug addicts grappling with all types of chemical dependencies, NA models itself after, you guessed it, the traditions and steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. And its been in the business of keeping folks around the world drug-free since 1953.
62. Nar Anon
Similar to Al-Anon and Alateen, Nar-Anon offers support to the family members and friends of people struggling with addiction. Meetings give a safe space for people to sort out their feelings and make sense of their loved ones addictive behavior and its impact on their lives.
63. Overeaters Anonymous
Yes, you can get hooked on the highs associated with food. And if you are, youre not alone About 11 percent of us are addicted to food . Thankfully, there are over 6,500 OA meetings across the globe designed in the 12-step spirit of AA to help people manage compulsive eating habits and cultivate a healthier relationship with food.
64. Secular Organizations for Sobriety
An alternative to AA, this support network is for anyone seeking sobriety. SOS backs individual empowerment while also declaring a strong respect for science and healthy skepticism surrounding treatment. Meetings are held across the U.S. and abroad.
65. SMART Recovery
Twelve-step programs not your thing? No problem. SMART recovery offers another alternative to AA and its offshoots. Modeled after research-based cognitive behavioral therapy strategies, SMART meetings do not require you to identify as an addict or alcoholic. Its also less steeped in spirituality and puts greater emphasis on empowering members. The group isn't exclusively for alcoholics SMART doors are open to individuals struggling with all types of addictions.
66. Women For Sobriety
Women For Sobriety is based on the belief that theres a bit of a gender divide when it comes to getting clean. Rather than emphasizing humility and lack of control over your drinking habits, WFS aims to bolster womens self-worth, personal responsibility, and problem-solving skills. And instead of 12 steps, WFS offers a variety of strategies to practice acceptance and avoid getting strung up on the past. Groups can be found in the U.S. and Canada. Ladies only, please.
67. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
If youve lost someone you love to suicide, AFSP support groups will give you a place to discuss your feelings and manage grief in the company of others who get it because theyve been there too. While some meetings take place during a set time span, others are ongoing and open to attendees showing up as frequently as they wish.
68. Anxiety and Depression Association of America Support Groups
ADAA offers an extensive, searchable list of free or affordable resources that cater to specific anxieties, phobias, and mood issues. The organization also offers resources for general support for faulty thinking and behavior patterns, relationship problems, and self-esteem issues.
69. Co dependents Anonymous
If you struggle with low self-esteem and find yourself frequently sucked into relationships where your needs remain unmet or minimized, this support group can help you set healthy boundaries. CoDa meetings are modeled after AAs 12 steps and seek to empower individuals to break free from self-destructive habits and develop healthier relationships.
70. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This alliance offers over 700 national groups with peer support. Its a judgment-free discussion zone where you can open up about lifes challenges brought on by living with depression or bipolar disorder. The best part? All groups are totally free.