xmas tree

Xmas Tree

A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine.
1. Tree a Contemporary Update
Contemporary Christmas decorating schemes often allow the natural beauty of the tree to stand out. This tree skips the lights in favor of bright, clean lined elements, including wooden birds and balls, as well as a paper garland that mimics the modern shapes.
2. Use christmas lights
Lights are one of the best ways to decorate a Christmas tree; they can be used subtly or for more dramatic effect. In addition to the bright lights, this tree features an unusual collection of colors as well as a standout tree topping star made from palm fronds.
3. Decorations on Your Christmas Tree
Christmas trees are a great way to display handcrafted items. This tiny tabletop tree nearly overflows with made from scratch decorations, including handmade bows and paper and clay ornaments (a fun project to make with kids).
4. Use fewer decorations
Some varieties of Christmas trees provide dramatic focal points, such as this fir with sparse branches. To decorate it, carefully choose a few artful decorations, including white lights, silvery garland, and oversize stars.
5. Give classic decorations
Traditional decorating styles dont have to be stodgy this classically inspired collection includes old style ornaments with some contemporary twists. Patterned ornaments, draped ribbon, and metallic pinecones are the perfect fit for this tree.
6. Create a Vision in White
Using just one or two colors can be an easy way to organize decorating a Christmas tree. This flocked fir provides a dramatic backdrop to silver baubles, white owls, and other vintage ornaments. By picking a two tone color scheme, you can coordinate packaging and wreath accents to match your tree (here, wide silver ribbon and oversize initials on gift boxes).Get inspiration for vintage white Christmas decor.
7. Christmas tree
Some homeowners start from scratch each year when decorating a Christmas tree, while others build on traditions or collections. This homeowner lovingly displays ornaments that her mother has gathered for her since birth. Sticks found in her yard add a woodsy accent.
8. Add unexpected accents
While evergreens are standard decor at holiday time, theres no limit to how trees are decorated. In place of a tree skirt, think outside the box for your Christmas tree base and use pincones or a collection of apples. Simple white lights keep the setup classic but not overdone.
9. Charm to a Christmas Tree
Decorating a Christmas tree offers an opportunity to use unusual items in new ways. For example, a galvanized metal tub can substitute as a tree stand. A moon a treasured nursery decoration in traditional holiday colors of red and white serves as a pretty tree topper, while a collection of mittens and dolls offers country inspired decorating charm.
10. Try unusual colors
Dont be afraid to try unusual color combos when decorating a Christmas tree. Here, old fashioned paper chains get a fresh update in orange and turquoise and updated, retro inspired ornaments include photocopied family photos in black and white.