things you didnt know about steve jobs

Things You Didnt Know About Steve Jobs

1. The company he started in his garage gets sued on average once a day
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple in his garage shortly after Wozniak came out with the Apple 1 computer. From those humble beginnings Apple has grown into one of the largest companies in the world with $350 million in market value. At that size its no surprise that it would face litigation, but once a day? They keep their lawyers busy.
2. Largest single stakeholder in Disney
He was the largest individual shareholder in Disney with 7% stake in the company after Pixar was bought out. He also held a spot on the Board of Directors. The next largest shareholder is its former CEO Michael Eisner coming in at 1.7%.
3. Has Over 300 Patents
The New York Times recently revealed that Steve has 313 patents to his name. To give you some perspective, out of his peers Bill Gates holds about 9 and the Google boys have roughly a dozen between them. They werent all tech related, however, as he even had one for a glass staircase.
4. Denied paternity on his first child
Prior to marrying Laurene, Steve had a child with ChrisAnne Brennan named Lisa. This was right around the time that Apple was taking off so he ended up denying paternity. Eventually, though, he changed his mind and at the end of the day he paid Lisas way to Harvard. The ultimate makeup present.
5. Found his sister at 30
Steve wasnt the only famous one in his family. His sister, a writer, is fairly popular as well. They didnt meet each other, however, until 1985. After their initial meeting they became really close friends and according to Mona talked at least once every other day up until his passing earlier this year.
6. Lied to Steve Wozniak
After working on the famous Atari gameBreakoutthey unofficially agreed to split their cut in half. Steve, being a cunning businessman, had other plans. Although Apple gave Steve $5,000 for their work he told Wozniak that he had only received $700. Wozniak later found out about it and said he would have given him the money had Steve told him that he needed it.
7. Produced Toy Story
As a result of his partnership with Disney, Steve lit the spark that led to movies like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, and WALLE. For almost 15 years he dominated the animation industry but Toy Story was a more personal endeavor as he was Executive Producer.
8. Saved Pixar
Animation in Hollywood seemed to be a dying art until Steve came along and acquired The Graphics Group from LucasFilms for $10 million and turned it into the Pixar we know and love today. Its a good thing he did too, because without it he would never have
9. Pescetarian
No meat for Steve. At least not if its from a land dwelling mammal. As you may have deduced by now, his flower child persona never really died. In fact, his diet actually ended up affecting his relationship with companies like Mcdonalds in the boardroom, especially when he cast his vote against advertising Pixar movies via happy meals. Speaking of which, Steve
10. Offered an HP internship in 8th grade
This is where all of you jealous types can start to get jealous. When Steve was a kid he would attend local lectures put on by HewlettPackard. After one of the lectures he approached William Hewlett because he needed some computer parts for a project. Evidently Will was so impressed by Steve he gave him the parts and then offered him an internship on the spot.